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How to view the development model of Israel Tephin Industrial Park

Tephin Industrial Park is located in Tephin County in the Galilee region of northern Israel. It was founded in 1985 and is the country's first industrial technology innovation park. It was founded by the former richest man in Israel, Steve Wirtheimer. After the success of the project , Wirtheimer began to export the "Teffin model" to the whole country.

For China, there are also many industrial parks and innovation incubation parks. Dongqi De La Grúa is located in Changyuan County, Xinxiang, the hometown of cranes in China. In the industrial park planned by the government, all production related to crane production can be found. Workshop, after 40 years of development, the industrial park where Dongqi Crane is located has exported its products to more than 100 countries and regions around the world. However, there is still a gap with the old European crane companies in some technologies. What are the implications of the development of Israel's Tephin Industrial Park for the development of China's industrial parks? This article will explore this question by taking an in-depth look at the development history of the Tephin Industrial Park.

Located less than 20 kilometers from the Lebanese border, Tephin was originally a small village with little natural resources and one of the most turbulent and poorest areas in Israel. After more than 20 years of careful cultivation by Wirtheimer, Tephin Industrial Park has now become an Israeli industrial park. Flagship project of innovation and industrial park. 20 innovative Israeli exporters such as StePac, AquaShield, Kolsint, etc. have come out from here, and SanDisk, the world leader in flash drives, has set up its strategic R&D center here; Buffett bought metalworking here for $6 billion Tool maker "Iscar".

Tephin Industrial Park, Israel

Construction of Ecological Environment in Industrial Park

Thanks to the government that highly supports entrepreneurial incubation, companies that attach great importance to business divestiture and the transformation of R&D results, a large number of mature incubators, academic and research institutions with strong entrepreneurial spirit, experienced entrepreneurs, and a very active venture capital market, With the continuous spillover of national defense technology and a strong atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship culture, Israel's entrepreneurship and innovation ecology is very dynamic, not only incubating a large number of high-growth entrepreneurial enterprises, but also giving birth to many industrial parks like Tephin Industrial Park. In addition to Wirtheimer's personal efforts, the success of Tefing Industrial Park is more important because of the empowerment of Israel's entrepreneurship and innovation ecology.

Israel has the highest per capita VC investment in the world, especially in the field of technological innovation. In 2019, investment exits in Israeli high-tech start-ups totaled $21.7 billion, involving 138 deals. The Israeli government has launched the "YOZMA Plan" since 1993. By guiding private funds to set up more commercial investment funds, it can amplify the support for innovative enterprises with leverage effect. If innovative companies receive venture capital funding, the Israeli government will provide 1:1 matching funding support. This makes the enterprise no longer subject to the shortage of funds, and the entrepreneurial environment becomes more perfect in the presence of venture capital firms.

In addition to the help of the active capital market for entrepreneurship, the incubator in the Tephin Industrial Park will also provide funds for the settled start-ups, of which 85% of the funds are from Wirtheimer, and the rest comes from donations from other companies and local governments.

The Israeli government launched the "Technology Incubator Project" in the early 1990s, contributing more than 25 incubators, all of which are now privatized. The incubator provides up to 85% of the cost of early-stage projects in the first two years of the company's settlement, and the funds come from government funding. To date, more than 1,100 projects have graduated from the incubator, and more than 45% of them have successfully attracted additional investment from various investors.

The R&D investment efficiency of Israeli innovative enterprises is relatively high, and the industrialization of new technologies can be quickly realized after successful R&D. The scientific research of Israeli universities is mainly based on basic scientific research, and at the same time, it pays attention to the research and development of application technology. University scientific research institutions actively promote the transfer of research and development results, and timely sell scientific and technological achievements and knowledge patents developed by laboratories, or commercialize them. Representative universities in scientific research and development include Tel Aviv University, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Weizmann Institute of Science, etc.

The Enlightenment of Israel's Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Construction to China's Construction of Industrial Parks

Aiming at industrialization, accelerate technology transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements

China's scientific and technological achievements are often centered on the publication of papers, many technological breakthroughs remain in the laboratory, and the rate of technological transformation is low, while Israel is market-oriented, emphasizing the innovative development path of transforming technology into productivity is worthy of our reference. Only by opening up the channels for the transformation and commercialization of scientific and technological achievements between universities and the market can we break through the dilemma of "accumulating fast and transforming slowly".

Cultivate innovation ability and integrate innovation and entrepreneurship into the education system

Entrepreneurship education in China is mainly based on college entrepreneurship courses and adult entrepreneurship training. However, entrepreneurship cannot be learned by taking a few courses, writing a few business plans, and participating in an entrepreneurship competition. Entrepreneurship education should be rooted in national education, cultivate students' innovative thinking and entrepreneurial spirit from an early age, exercise their entrepreneurial practice ability, and form a long-term and complete entrepreneurial education system. Only in this way can we better stimulate the innovative vitality of the people, and move further towards the goal of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation".

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