
Overhead crane, juga dikenal sebagai bridge crane, adalah salah satu jenis peralatan penanganan material untuk memenuhi persyaratan pengangkatan industri menengah dan berat. Umumnya, derek di atas kepala adalah derek dengan kerekan pengangkat yang berjalan di sepanjang jembatan tebu di antara landasan pacu paralel.

Sebagai pemasok derek Cina yang menyediakan layanan derek kepada dunia, Dongqi dapat menyediakan desain, pembuatan, pemasangan, dan purna jual yang disesuaikan untuk berbagai jenis derek di atas kepala. Menurut strukturnya, dapat dibagi menjadi derek overhead gelagar tunggal dan derek overhead gelagar ganda, dan dapat dibagi menjadi derek overhead biasa, derek overhead tahan ledakan, derek overhead metalurgi, derek overhead ambil, dan derek overhead elektromagnetik menurut kegunaannya.

How to choose an overhead crane

When you need an overhead crane in your workplace, there are many options and factors to consider. Overhead cranes come in a range of different styles, including gantry cranes, bridge cranes, monorail[...]

Features of European double girder overhead crane

With the design concept of cutting down customer’s loss caused by crane problems and downtime, Dongqi crane has developed the European double girder overhead crane with the main features as follow: [...]

Carrier beam overhead crane drawing

Carrier beam overhead crane drawing What is Carrier beam overhead crane Carrier beam overhead crane is an electromagnetic overhead crane with a spreader of electromagnetic carrier beam, and the carr[...]

Derek elektromagnetik

Electromagnetic crane is a kind of double girder overhead crane , equipped with detachable electromagnetic chuck and corresponding operating system to handle and lift metal objects. The lift[...]

Rail installation for overhead crane

For overhead crane, the crane rail are paved on supporting beam, which include steel beam and concrete beam. According to overhead crane drawing, settle down the position, altitude. Before install rai[...]

What is monorail crane system

Monorail systems may have various kinds of operating systems. Several monorail system are electrical, and count on an electrical motor. The monorail cranes that make use of for really heavy loads freq[...]

Crane Installation & Commissioning in Algeria

DQCRANE started the trip to Algeria for cranes installation and commissioning in a new steel plant in January, 2017, our engineers scheduled to stay there for one week to finish the crane installat[...]

5 Ton Single Girder Overhead Crane Installation in Maldives

Mr Oscar and his team planed to stay in Male from 23th to 30th in October 2016 to finish the installation working of the 5 ton single girder overhead crane for one of our customers in Male. About ou[...]

What is KBK flexible modular suspension crane

KBK crane is light duty, with simple structure and limited lifting capacity, the lifting capacity from 0.5 ton to 5 ton Max., generally matched chain hoist to handling material. In the last months, 2[...]

Overhead crane girder camber deformation

Overhead crane girder camber Overhead crane girder is the main supporting part of the lifting system and the loads, which requires high rigidity, strength, and stability to ensure safety. Besides, in[...]

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