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Crane Installation

As professional overhead crane manufacturer and supplier, Dongqi Crane is able to provide your complete overhead crane services from overhead crane design to maintenance, etc. Dongqi overhead crane installation service from Dongqi can ease you from any overhead crane installation problems.

After purchasing your overhead crane, the next important thing is to install it correctly and safely. With its expertise and experiences in overhead crane installation and erection, Dongqi Crane provides crane installation service for our overhead cranes and those produced by other material handling equipment manufacturers.

Crane installation

Dongqi Crane installation team is well-trained in proper rigging practices, mechanical adjustments and electrical terminations. We guarantee you that all the crane installation services provided by Dongqi crane will meet the application standards and requirements. Dongqi Crane installation service include:

  • Overhead cranes and bridge cranes
  • Runways, track, and switches
  • Electrification systems
  • Jib and gantry cranes
  • Hoists
  • Radio controls, Hoist/crane controls,
  • Shelving and mezzanines,
  • Below hook devices
  • Vacuum lifters
  • Illumination lights for crane
  • Others related to the material handling equipment.

How to install the crane weight limiter

There are four installation forms of lifting weight limiter: hook type, wire rope type, bearing type and fixed pulley type.

1. Hook type installation form. The product structure of the hook type installation form has three types: direct display type, FM launch type and separate type. The direct display type is used for nickel-cadmium batteries as the power source, and the hook, sensor, and large-screen display are integrated into a crane hook. The FM transmitter also uses the nickel-cadmium battery as the main power source, but there is no display part. Instead, the sensor signal is sent to the driver’s cab after frequency modulation, and the signal is restored by the secondary instrument for control and display. These two types of sensors do not need to be connected to the secondary instrument with cables, but the price is higher. The separated type transmits the sensor signal to the secondary instrument through the cable, and controls and displays after processing.

2. Wire rope tension type. Use a special fixture to install the sensor on the lifting wire rope, and measure the tension of the wire rope to reflect the load. This method is easy to install and has high detection accuracy.

3. Bearing seat type. Bearing seat mounting type sensor adopts double shear beam type or cylindrical shape, with special accessories to form a bearing seat, which is installed on the non-reducer side of the wire rope drum. This type of device is convenient, easy to maintain, and has high accuracy.

4. Fixed pulley type. There are two specific installation forms for the fixed pulley type. One is to configure a set of pallet brackets to slightly lift the fixed pulley shaft, so that the sensor mounted on the bracket bears the load; the other is to control the fixed pulley shaft, press the sensor into one end of the shaft, and use this when installing The root shaft can be replaced with the original pulley shaft.

Crane rail installation standards

1. Safety inspection of the track: check the track, bolts and splints for cracks, looseness and corrosion. If cracks are found, they should be replaced in time, and if there are other defects, they should be repaired in time. The main inspection tool is a line track flaw detector.

2. Track measurement and adjustment:

(1) Linearitas lintasan dapat diperiksa dengan menggambar kawat baja, yaitu ditarik kawat baja 0,5 mm pada kedua roda gigi lintasan, kemudian diukur titik demi titik dengan metode palu tegak lurus. Interval antara titik pengukuran bisa sekitar 2m. .

(2) Ketinggian lintasan dapat diukur dengan waterpas.

(3) Rentang lintasan dapat diperiksa dengan pita pengukur baja atau alat ukur inframerah. Deviasi yang diizinkan dari pengukur derek jembatan adalah ±5mm; kemiringan longitudinal lintasan adalah 1/1500, dan deviasi yang diizinkan dari ketinggian relatif kedua lintasan adalah 10mm.

(4) Sambungan lintasan, lintasan dapat dibuat menjadi kepala langsung atau sambungan bersudut 45° Sambungan miring dapat membuat transisi roda lancar pada sambungan. Umumnya, celah sambungan adalah 1~2mm, dan pengaruh suhu pada celah harus dipertimbangkan di daerah dingin, umumnya 4~6mm. Perbedaan ketinggian antara dua rel pada sambungan tidak boleh lebih dari 1mm.

crane rail

Cara menyesuaikan derek dari China

We are a crane manufacturer located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a crane, you can leave a message on the website or Email: [email protected], beri tahu kami informasi berikut, dan manajer penjualan kami akan menghubungi Anda:

  • Kapasitas angkat (ton):__?(Kapasitas terukur)
  • Tinggi angkat (m):__? (Tinggi dari pusat pengait ke lantai)
  • Rentang (m):__? (Jarak antara pusat rel)
  • Kecepatan angkat (m / mnt):__? (Tunggal, Ganda, Variabel)
  • Jarak tempuh (m):__? (Panjang rel)
  • Tugas kerja:__? (Berapa jam sehari? Berapa kali dalam satu jam?)
  • Bahan apa yang akan diangkat:__?
  • Tegangan industri:__? ( seperti: 380V, 50Hz, 3ph )

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