Germany Overhead Crane Market 2022 Size, Trend, Analysis

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Germany Overhead Crane Market 2022 Size, Trend, Analysis

From January to October 2021, the bilateral import and export volume of goods between China and Jerman was US$190,995.86 million, an increase of US$39,019.7536 million compared with the same period in 2020, a year-on-year increase of 25.9%.

From January to October 2021, the total value of China’s exports to Germany was US$92,141,796,700, an increase of US$23,008,922,700 compared with the same period in 2020, a year-on-year increase of 33.7%; the total value of China’s imports from Germany was US$98,854,065,900, compared with 2020. During the same period, it increased by 16,010,830,900 US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 19.4%.

China and Germany are traditionally trade friendly countries with close trade exchanges between the two countries. Even under the influence of the COVID-19 epidemic, the increase in trade between the two countries in 2021 is still strong from the data point of view. In contrast, because Europe is a developed manufacturing region, the sales volume of Chinese cranes in Europe is not optimistic. In 2021, Dongqi Crane has reached two crane cooperation orders in Germany. In order to better open the German crane market, Dongqi Crane needs to know more about the current situation of the German crane market. This article will analyze the development direction of the German overhead crane market in 2022 from the perspective of the German overhead crane market size and import and export data.

Beberapa Pertanyaan Tentang Pasar Derek Overhead Dunia

Before we start discussing the aerial crane market in Germany, we have a few small questions that need to be answered first. Let’s take a look

  • Apa pasar terbesar untuk derek perjalanan di atas kepala dengan penyangga tetap di dunia?
    • Negara-negara dengan volume konsumsi overhead travelling crane tertinggi pada tahun 2020 adalah China (34 ribu unit), AS (18 ribu unit), dan India (13 ribu unit), bersama-sama merupakan 39% dari konsumsi global. Jepang, Germany, Rusia, Brasil, DenmarkBangladesh, KanadaSpanyol, Turki dan Italia agak tertinggal, bersama-sama terdiri dari 28% lebih lanjut.
  • Apa produsen derek perjalanan overhead terbesar dengan penyangga tetap di dunia?
    • China (38 ribu unit) tetap menjadi negara penghasil overhead travelling crane terbesar di dunia, terhitung 24% dari total volume. Selain itu, produksi overhead travelling crane di China melampaui angka yang dicatat oleh produsen terbesar kedua, AS (18 ribu unit), dua kali lipat. Posisi ketiga dalam peringkat ini ditempati oleh India (14 ribu unit), dengan pangsa 9%.
  • What are the leading suppliers of overhead travelling cranes on fixed support to Germany?
    • In value terms, the largest overhead travelling crane suppliers to Germany were the Czech Republic ($1.3M), Austria ($1.2M) and the Belanda ($492K), with a combined 71% share of total imports. These countries were followed by Italy, Turkey, Swiss and China, which together accounted for a further 22%.
  • What are the leading importers of overhead travelling cranes on fixed support from Germany?
    • In value terms, the largest markets for overhead travelling crane exported from Germany were Switzerland ($4.6M), Norwegia ($4.2M) and Austria ($3.2M), together comprising 41% of total exports. These countries were followed by Prancis, the Netherlands, Amerika Serikat, Iran, Australia, Japan, Suriname, Malta, the Uni Emirat Arab dan Bulgaria, which together accounted for a further 29%.
  • What is the average export price for overhead travelling cranes on fixed support in Germany?
    • The average overhead travelling crane export price stood at $46,345 per unit in 2020, jumping by 547% against the previous year.
  • What is the average import price for overhead travelling cranes on fixed support in Germany?
    • The average overhead travelling crane import price stood at $7,234 per unit in 2020, increasing by 1.6% against the previous year.

Sumber data:

German overhead crane

German overhead crane market size

The German Overhead Crane Market has surged to $X in 2020, growing by X% year-on-year. But overall, consumption shows a relatively flat trend pattern. The most significant growth rate occurred in 2015, with an X% year-over-year increase. Consumption of overhead cranes peaked at $X in 2009; however, from 2010 to 2020, consumption was at a lower level.

By value, the production of overhead cranes in 2020 fell to X dollars, estimated at export prices. Overall, production showed a marked decline. The fastest growth rate in 2013, an increase of X% year-on-year. Overhead crane production peaked at $X in 2008; however, from 2009 to 2020, production was at a lower level.

Export Scale of German Overhead Crane Market

In 2020, approximately X fixed-stand overhead cranes were exported from Germany; -X% less than the previous year. Overall, exports suffered a severe decline. The growth rate was most pronounced in 2012, when exports increased by X% year-on-year. During the period under review, exports reached an all-time high of X units in 2008; however, from 2009 to 2020, exports failed to regain momentum.

Overhead crane exports contracted to X USD in 2020 in value terms. During the period under review, exports fell sharply. 2008 saw the fastest growth, with an X% increase over the previous year. As a result, exports peaked at X dollars. Export growth failed to regain momentum between 2009 and 2020.

The United Arab Emirates (unit X), Iran (unit X) and Malta (unit X) were the main destinations for German overhead crane exports, together accounting for X% of total exports.

From 2007 to 2020, among the major destination countries, Iran achieved the most significant growth in shipments, while other leaders saw more moderate export growth.

In value terms, Switzerland ($X), Norway ($X) and Austria ($X) are the largest markets for Germany’s global exports of overhead cranes, accounting for X% of total exports. This is followed by France, the Netherlands, the United States, Iran, Australia, Japan, Suriname, Malta, the United Arab Emirates and Bulgaria, which together account for a further X of the top destination countries, with Iran having the highest rate of export value during the period under review growth, while shipments from other leaders showed a mixed trend pattern.

Germany overhead crane

Import scale of German overhead crane market

In 2020, foreign supply of fixed-support overhead cranes fell -X% to X units, falling for the second year in a row after three consecutive years of growth. Overall, imports fell sharply. In 2014, the growth rate was the fastest, with an increase of X% year-on-year. During the period under review, imports reached an all-time high of X units in 2009; however, from 2010 to 2020, imports have remained low.

In value terms, 2020 overhead crane imports fell to X dollars. During the period under review, imports fell sharply. The most significant growth rate occurred in 2014, when imports increased by X% over the previous year. During the period under review, imports reached a record $X in 2009; however, from 2010 to 2020, imports failed to regain momentum.

Czech Republic (X units), Austria (X units) and Switzerland (X units) are the main suppliers of German overhead crane imports, accounting for X% of total imports.

From 2007 to 2020, the largest increase was in Switzerland, while other leaders saw more modest increases in purchases. By value, Germany’s largest suppliers of overhead cranes are Czech Republic ($X), Austria ($X) and Netherlands ($X), with X% of total imports. Italy, Turkey, Switzerland and China lagged other major suppliers to a certain extent, with Turkey (+X% per annum) having the highest increase in import value during the review period, while other leaders in procurement experienced a decline.

Cara menyesuaikan Derek di Atas Kepala dari China

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  • Kapasitas angkat (ton):__?(Kapasitas terukur)
  • Tinggi angkat (m):__? (Tinggi dari pusat pengait ke lantai)
  • Rentang (m):__? (Jarak antara pusat rel)
  • Kecepatan angkat (m / mnt):__? (Tunggal, Ganda, Variabel)
  • Jarak tempuh (m):__? (Panjang rel)
  • Tugas kerja:__? (Berapa jam sehari? Berapa kali dalam satu jam?)
  • Bahan apa yang akan diangkat:__?
  • Tegangan industri:__? ( seperti: 380V, 50Hz, 3ph )

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