Hoist Is Excited To Announce The Return Of Its Overhead Crane & Hoist Innovation Conference

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Hoist Is Excited To Announce The Return Of Its Overhead Crane & Hoist Innovation Conference

Hoist, in association with Dockside Lift & Move (DLM), is excited to announce the return of its Overhead Crane & Hoist Innovation Conference, to be held as a virtual event on February 24, 2022.

The Overhead Crane and Hoist Innovation Conference, presented by Hoist magazine, will showcase the latest in cutting-edge technology from the lifting and handling industry, focusing on the key equipment used in the logistics, manufacturing and warehousing sectors.

Learn about the innovations that can help to improve your operation’s efficiency and safety through a conference programme of technical experts, exhibitor stands, group discussions, and private chats.

The conference agenda is set to include presentations on automated operations, performance data analysis, braking systems, anti-sway technology, and more.

The Overhead Crane and Hoist Innovation Conference will be the first of its kind: a multi-platform, fully interactive online event for the overhead lifting and hoist sector and includes; an Exhibition hall to discover a variety of sponsors; At any given moment you can click on a sponsor logo to enter their expo booth.

A Networking Area where guests can see who is attending the event at any point in ‘real time’; an Expo Booth to access white papers, articles or videos and speak with the sponsor on a live chat and a Resource Centre to access a variety of event-related materials.

“The Overhead Crane and Hoist Innovation Conference is an exciting opportunity for guests and sponsors to organise Virtual Private Meeting Slots and showcase their seminar or plenary session in a Virtual Auditorium, with live Q&A,” said Joe Woolerton, group sales manager, Hoist.

“Your programme can take the shape of a presentation, panel discussion or a webinar. The auditorium can have multiple rooms and all visitor data will be recorded, which means you can receive a bespoke report post event.”

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