Hoist Magazine held its virtual Overhead Crane and Hoist Innovation Conference 2022

RumahBerita → Hoist Magazine held its virtual Overhead Crane and Hoist Innovation Conference 2022

Hoist Magazine held its virtual Overhead Crane and Hoist Innovation Conference 2022

Hoist Magazine held its virtual Overhead Crane and Hoist Innovation Conference 2022 last week.

The afternoon event was a showcase for the latest technology in the lifting and handling industry.

Mikael Holmberg of ABB Drives kicked off proceedings by discussing, among other things, the options that are available for programming crane drives.

Next up was AMC Instruments’ Tomasso Bertani, who spoke to the audience about the company’s wire rope safety solution.

David Catanzaro, CEO of Hookcam, gave a fascinating talk on the benefits of cameras, how they work, and how the tech has developed with the input of safety directors, asset managers, foremen, “but especially operators”.

The title of Steven Lubeck of Laser-View Technologies’ presentation was ‘Sway Reduction Integration with Side Load Detection and No-Fly Zones: Improving Safety and Efficiency’. Within it, he highlighted the challenges surrounding sway reduction and the methods to reduce it.

A panel – featuring Rick Emmer of Columbus McKinnon and Richard Philipps of Casper, Phillips & Associates – discussed ‘How Automated Crane Systems and Warehouse Management Software are Improving Factories and Warehouses’ before answering questions from the audience.

Speaking after the event, Phillips said: “There are lots of reasons why automation is a buzz topic. Automated cranes can be run without operators so it can reduce the overhead costs and increase productivity. This is a big deal in the current economic climate as many countries/markets are trying to curb inflation and boost production. Rick and I come from different backgrounds; he had a lot of interesting talking points, and we were able to give different perspectives.”

Following on from the double act of Emmer and Phillips, Peter Pachov of Siguren talked about the advantages of the company’s passive safety device that can be attached to the drum of any crane and renders the hoist fail-safe.

Asaf Topkaya, product manager at Demag, gave a presentation called ‘Safe and Reliable Positioning of Suspended Loads’ in the context of the company’s DCBS chain hoists with a balancer function.

And finally, Önder Topuz of BVS Cranes rounded things off by presenting the last of the afternoon’s informative sessions.

The event was sponsored by the following companies: BVS Cranes, Columbus McKinnon, Dellner Bubenzer, Demag, HookCam, Lifting Solutions Group – Axel Johnson International, SWF Krantechnik and Tele Radio.

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