ホームガントリークレーン → Box type v.s. Truss type single girder gantry crane

Box type v.s. Truss type single girder gantry crane

Single girder gantry crane can be divided into box type single girder gantry crane  and truss type single girder gantry crane. What is the differences of the types of single girder overhead crane? Read on.

Box Type Single Girder Gantry Crane

The box type single girder gantry crane is a medium sized crane, travelling in track , usually equipped with standard CD MD electric hoist as the lifting mechanism, and the electric hoist traversing along the lower flange of the I- steel of the main girder, which is made of high quality steel plates, such as, C-steel and I-steel.

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Truss Type Single Girder Gantry Crane

The struss single girder gantry crane is type of トラスガントリークレーン. The truss single girder gantry crane differentiates itself with the box type crane in terms of structure construction. The former is made of steel bars and the latter is made of steel plates. The truss gantry crane is much lighter than that of the box type gantry crane and it has high wind resistance.

The single girder truss crane can be applied on many different work occasions, such as port, shipyard, railway line and material yard. Truss セミトランスファークレーン only has two support legs on the one end and the other end of the crane needs support from building or other structures, and it can travel along the track.




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  • 吊上能力(ton):__?(定格容量)
  • 揚程(m):__? (高さからフックセンターは、階)
  • スパン(m):__? (距離レールセンター)
  • 昇降速度(m/min)__? (シングル、デュアル、可変)
  • 走行距離(m):__? (長さのレール)
  • 作業のデューティ__? (どのように多くの時間出入り出来ますか? どのよう多くの時間?)
  • 持ち上げる材料は何ですか: __ ?
  • 産業用電圧:__? (様:380V,50Hz3ph)



