Explorers and leaders promoting global development

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Explorers and leaders promoting global development

"Based on the laws of global economic development and in combination with its own development experience, China has put forward the initiative of jointly building the Belt and Road, which has brought new opportunities to all countries, especially developing countries. Jointly building the Belt and Road is a great initiative that will surely go down in history." The chairman of パキスタン's Senate National Defense Committee, Mushashid Hussain, said in an exclusive interview with our reporter a few days ago that at a critical moment in history, China firmly stands on the position of peaceful development to carry out major country diplomacy, adhere to opening up, promote and improve global governance, and become an important force to promote the world to return to the track of development and prosperity.

Mushahid said that the current global development is facing many challenges, the new pneumonia epidemic has not subsided, the momentum of global economic development is insufficient, and the peace deficit and development deficit need to be solved urgently. Some western countries, regardless of the constraints of international rules, choose to beggar their neighbors and establish protectionist barriers, which creates obstacles to the development of countries' openness and prosperity, and challenges the economic development and improvement of people's livelihood of developing countries. "China has actively promoted the high-quality co construction of the" Belt and Road ", held large-scale international economic and trade events such as the China International Import Expo and the China International Trade in Services Fair, demonstrated openness and confidence, injected development impetus into the post epidemic recovery of the world economy, and provided strong confidence for countries, especially the majority of developing countries, to continue to participate in economic globalization."

As an important pilot project for the joint construction of the "Belt and Road", the China Pakistan Economic Corridor has become a landmark project of China Pakistan cooperation in the new era. Mushahid said that backward water conservancy facilities and lack of power infrastructure are a major stumbling block to Pakistan's economic development. Through the cooperation framework of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor, China and Pakistan have carried out cooperation in wind power, optoelectronics, nuclear power and other fields in the first stage, and also built long-distance DC transmission lines and other power infrastructure through the north and south of Pakistan to solve the power supply problem in Pakistan. Recently, a number of hydropower projects jointly constructed by the two sides have been completed. "This will not only further improve Pakistan's power structure and promote sustainable energy development, but also greatly improve the conditions of water conservancy facilities in major rivers, and more effectively address the extreme weather challenges brought about by global climate change."

Mushahid paid close attention to the global development initiative and global security initiative proposed by China, and promoted Pakistani think tank scholars to carry out systematic research. He said that with the constant changes in the international situation, the international political system is undergoing continuous and profound changes. China is a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, a defender of the international order, and a provider of public goods. China firmly upholds the international system with the United Nations at its core and the international order based on international law, advocates the practice of genuine multilateralism, and leads the reform of the global governance system with the concept of fairness and justice. "Like a big ship, China is an explorer and leader in promoting global development."

Mushahid said that China has always adhered to international morality, stood on the right side of history, and won the support and trust of more and more countries. China is looking forward to the future with confidence. The world expects China to continue to play a greater role and make greater contributions to promoting global peaceful development and win-win sharing.


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