ホーム事例天井クレーンのケース → Workstation Cranes Serve Pakistani Agricultural Machinery Plant

Workstation Cranes Serve Pakistani Agricultural Machinery Plant

A workstation crane is a lightweight crane that can adapt to changing processes and operating conditions. Our workstation cranes have the advantage of large spans. Enclosed rails allow long-distance extension, which enables our crane equipment to cover the entire production and assembly lines. Today we will share an order of workstation crane from パキスタン Agricultural Machinery Factory.

Why recommend workstation cranes for Pakistani customers

The client is an agricultural machinery factory located in Pakistan, which mainly produces all kinds of agricultural equipment, such as tractors, hay and feed equipment. Through the conversation with customers, we learned that with the increase of business, they need more streamlined manufacturing process. Our sales manager comprehensively evaluated the customer's demand for cranes and the distribution of workshops, and finally recommended ceiling mounted workstation cranes for customers

The new ceiling mounted workstation bridge crane has maximized their flexibility and created an effective material handling solution that supports their unique operation and streamlines productivity.

Workstation Cranes for Pakistan

Main parameters of Pakistan workstation crane

  • 吊り上げ重量:1トン
  • 吊り上げ高さ5メートル
  • 電圧:380/3/50
  • Cart running speed: 10m/min

How to customize workstation crane in Pakistan

We are a crane manufacturer located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a workstation crane, you can leave a message on the website or email, tell us the following information, and our sales manager will contact you:

  • 吊上能力(ton):__?(定格容量)
  • 揚程(m):__? (高さからフックセンターは、階)
  • スパン(m):__? (距離レールセンター)
  • 昇降速度(m/min)__? (シングル、デュアル、可変)
  • 走行距離(m):__? (長さのレール)
  • 作業のデューティ__? (どのように多くの時間出入り出来ますか? どのよう多くの時間?)
  • 持ち上げる材料は何ですか: __ ?
  • 産業用電圧:__? (様:380V,50Hz3ph)

