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FEM standard hoist and crane: FEM crane, FEM hoist and Parts and Components

The fem crane and fem hoist are hoists and cranes designed and produced based on FEM standards, also called the European crane and hoists. Check Dongqi FEM crane, fem overhead crane, fem gantry crane, FEM hoists, and hoist and crane parts now.

FEM cranes and hoists

As a professional hoist manufacturer and supplier, the European hoists workshop has been visited by many professional hoist and crane purchasers, engineers and end users. You are welcomed to visit us. If you have any interestes to visit us, please feel free to contact [email protected].

European hoists and cranes of Dongqi Hoist and Crane

Fem crane and Fem hoist for sale. The fem crane and fem hoist are hoists and cranes designed and produced based on FEM standards, also called the European crane and hoists. Check Dongqi FEM crane, fem overhead crane, fem gantry crane, FEM hoists, and hoist and crane parts now.

50 ton European-spec Double Girder Overhead Crane SZW motor

The single girder overhead crane can fully meet the fem crane standard, with features of high quality, safety, and reliability, etc. Inquiry European crane, contact us now Email: [email protected].

NLX FEM standard Underslung Crane

NLX FEM standard Underslung Crane

Underslung FEM crane is one of the most economical material handling equipment. Underslung crane can handle material from 1 to 20 tons for you! Inquiry European crane.

QDX double beam bridge crane

QDX double beam bridge crane

European double girder overhead crane for 5 – 80 ton material handling. The overhead cranes realize all your expectation to material handling. Bet you want it! Inquiry European crane, contact us Email: [email protected].

MGO European gantry crane

FEM standard gantry crane is a gantry crane designed on FEM crane standard, with the features of advanced gantry crane design, high safety, reliability, low energy consumption, etc.

Jib crane with FEM and European standards for sale. 0.5 ton -16 ton jib cranes for sale at good price. Dongqi European crane manufacturer and supplier. Check Dongqi European jib cranes now. 500 kg- 50 ton European electric chain hoist European chain hoist for sale. CE European electric chain hoist, good quality, and good price. The lifting capacity range of electric chain hoist are 500kg hoist, 1 ton hoist, 2 ton hoist, 3 ton hoist, 5 ton hoist and up to 50 tons,etc. Light weighted and low headroom European chain hoist for sale.

500 kg -80 ton FEM standard hoistsFEM standard hoists for sale at good hoist price. The FEM standard hoists are capable of handling loads of 500kg to 80 ton with high quality. Custom designed FEM standard hoists for you high safety, durable quality and high efficiency.

FEM European Standards for hoist and cranes

FEM European standards for hoist and cranes of one of the European hoist and crane standards, such as, e.g. DIN STANDARDS (Germany), BSI STANDARDS (United Kingdom) BSI, CEN STANDARDS, etc.

The FEM European(Federation Europeenne de la Manutention) has published standards specifically for material handling and lifting hoist and crane equipment. Some of the primary ones of the Federation Europeenne de la Manutention (FEM European; website www.fem-eur.com) are:

  • FEM European 1.002 Illustrated Terminology of Heavy Lifting Equipment.
  • FEM European 9.811 Rope and Chain Hoists – General Specifications.
  • FEM European 9.511 Rules for the Design of Series Hoist and Crane Lifting Equipment – crane duty Classification of Mechanisms.
  • FEM European 9.661 Rules for the design of Series Hoist and Crane Lifting Equipment – Dimensions and Design of Rope Reeving Components.
  • FEM European 9.683 Selection of Hoist and Travel Motors.
  • FEM European 9.852 Power Driven Series Hoist Mechanisms, Standardized Test Procedure for Verification of the Classification.
  • FEM European 9.755 Measures for Achieving Safe Working Periods for Motorized Serial Hoist Units (S.W.P.).
  • FEM European 9.751 Power Driven Series Hoist Mechanisms, Safety.
  • FEM European 9.901 Rules for the Design of Series Lifting Equipment and Cranes Equipped with Series Lifting Equipment.

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