المنزلالأخبار → How To Tell Its Time For Crane Brakes Maintenance

How To Tell Its Time For Crane Brakes Maintenance

An accident on a work site is the worst thing that can happen. Not only can it be detrimental to a worker and their family, but it can lower morale for other employees. It can also be costly for the company.

Construction sites can be dangerous. 5,147 workers were killed while on-site in 2017.

There is an average of 42 worker deaths per year due to the use of cranes alone.

That’s why it’s essential to keep up with your crane brakes maintenance. Keep reading to find out how to tell if it’s time for you to check your crane brakes and why it’s important to perform routine checks.

What Are Crane Brakes?

Believe it or not, many components make up the different brakes used in cranes.

Good brakes used for trolly and bridge motions of a motor crane depend on what you’re looking for. DC Thruster Drum brakes, for example, have gained popularity due to their sliding torque tube and lowering valve.

Dual Caliper Disc Brakes have proven to be the safest option as they provide a balanced load.

Hoist brakes are indispensable to the safety and functionality of a crane. Magnetic disc, thruster, or drum brakes are used on the high-speed side of the crane for service duty. Caliper Disc brakes are used on the low-speed side of the crane and are used in the event of an emergency to stop a load from falling or the transmission from blowing.

What Part Should I Replace?

There are many components to a crane brake such as:

  • anchor plates
  • pads
  • shoes
  • friction discs
  • coils

For brakes to function correctly and safely, it might need something as simple as new brake pads.

How Can I Tell If It Needs Repair?

Do you hear a squeaking or screeching sound while you maneuver your crane? This means it’s time to check your brakes and some parts probably need to be replaced.

Are things looking rusty? Aside from equipment use, it’s the wear and tear that comes from weather that causes machinery to break down over time. If there’s any sign of rust or noticeable wear, your brakes might need repair.

Are movements not as smooth? If you notice that your crane’s movements aren’t as smooth as they were before, your pads might need to be replaced.

What happens when you do a brakes testing? Perform a brakes test regularly to make sure components are working as they should be.

What Can I Do to Prevent Repair?

Don’t overload your crane. Overloading it could cause parts to break, and will compromise the safety of your workers. While it might be tempting to save time by overloading in the short run, it’s not worth the costs and incidents that could occur as a result in the long run.

Carry out regular inspections of your crane to avoid any failure. And make sure that the crane you purchase or use is specific to the type of job you plan to use it for. If you only need to move something up and down, a hoist motor is all you’ll need. But for heavy lifting in all directions, finding the right crane is essential to the success and safety of your job.

The Importance of Crane Brakes Maintenance

You don’t want to wait until you hear a loud screech to check the brakes of your crane.

For maximum efficiency of your equipment and the safety of workers, it’s a necessity to keep up with crane brakes maintenance.

If you need a part, we can get it for you in an emergency. We can also answer any questions you may have about crane brake maintenance and your rights as an owner.

الاتصال بنا today to stay informed, stay safe, and get anything you need for your equipment.

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