المنزلالحالاترافعة علوية الحالات → Bangladesh Steel Factory Customized 10T Overhead Crane From China

Bangladesh Steel Factory Customized 10T Overhead Crane From China

As a crane supplier providing crane services to customers around the world, we have many crane cooperation projects in بنغلاديش. Among the many projects, the steel mills of various types are the most. Due to the special work needs of steel mills, the requirements for cranes are very different. Today we share a case of overhead cranes from Bangladesh steel mills.

Bangladesh overhead crane main parameters

10 ton overhead crane for bangladesh steel mill

How to customize overhead crane in Bangladesh

We are a crane manufacturer located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a overhead crane, you can leave a message on the website or email, tell us the following information, and our sales manager will contact you:

  • رفع السعة (طن): __ ?( السعة)
  • رفع الارتفاع (م):__ ? (الطول من ربط مركز الأرض)
  • Span (م): __ ? (المسافة بين مركز السكك الحديدية)
  • سرعة رفع (م/دقيقة): __ ? ( مفردة ، مزدوجة ، متغير)
  • السفر المسافة (م): __ ? (طول السكك الحديدية)
  • العمل: __ ? (كم عدد ساعات اليوم ؟ كم مرة ساعة؟)
  • ما المواد التي سيتم رفع: __ ?
  • الصناعية الجهد: __ ? ( مثل :380V, 50Hz, 3ph )

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