Overhead Crane Operator Safety Training
In the field of crane work, there are accidents caused by improper crane operation every year. Once such an accident occurs, it often leads to casualties. Therefore, any overhead crane operator needs to participate in crane safety training before he formally takes up his job. As a Chinese crane manufacturer, Dongqi Crane not only provides customers with various types of crane products, but also provides customers with safety training within its capabilities under appropriate circumstances. This article will mainly describe what needs to be mastered in the safety training course for overhead crane operators
What you need to know after an overhead crane operator training
- Comprehend Overhead Crane Fundamentals and Regulations
- Understand Safe Operating Procedures to Eliminate Potential Hazards
- Identify Crane Components and Under Hook Attachments and their Functions
- Understand Equipment Specifications, Limitations, Inspection and Care
- Understand Methods for Proper Planning of a Lift
Overhead Crane Operator Training Course Schedule
- General Precautions
- Types of Cranes
- WorkSafeBC Rules & Regulations
- Daily Crane Inspections
- Safety of Workers
- Safe Operations & Lifting
- Hand Signals
- Lift Types
- Spreader Bars and Lifting Devices
- Safe Work Practices and Procedures Specific to your Work Place
Skills Required for Overhead Crane Operator Training
- Rules, Regulations and Standards Governing The Safe Operations of Overhead Cranes
- Different Types of Overhead Cranes
- Crane Components and their Functions
- How to Complete and Document Pre-Shift Inspections
- Proper Lifting, Traveling and Lowering Techniques
- Operational Hazards
- ANSI Certified Hand Signals
- Lift Types; Repetitive and Critical Lift Criteria
- Under Hook Lifting Devices
- Safe Use of Magnets
- Overall Care and Maintenance of Cranes
نحن رافعة مصنع يقع في الصين ، توفير رافعة خدمات التخصيص العالمية رافعة العملاء. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى تخصيص رافعة, نحن بحاجة للحصول على الاحتياجات الخاصة بك على الرافعات. أخذ الرافعات العلوية كمثال على ذلك ، نحن بحاجة إلى توفير المنتجات التالية المعلمات ، يمكنك ترك رسالة على الموقع أو البريد الإلكتروني: [email protected]قل لنا المعلومات التالية ، مدير المبيعات لدينا بالاتصال بك:
- رفع السعة (طن): __ ?( السعة)
- رفع الارتفاع (م):__ ? (الطول من ربط مركز الأرض)
- Span (م): __ ? (المسافة بين مركز السكك الحديدية)
- سرعة رفع (م/دقيقة): __ ? ( مفردة ، مزدوجة ، متغير)
- السفر المسافة (م): __ ? (طول السكك الحديدية)
- العمل: __ ? (كم عدد ساعات اليوم ؟ كم مرة ساعة؟)
- ما المواد التي سيتم رفع: __ ?
- الصناعية الجهد: __ ? ( مثل :380V, 50Hz, 3ph )