تطبيق 20 طن رافعة علوية في باكستان للطاقة

المنزلالحالاترافعة علوية الحالات → Application of 20 ton overhead crane in Pakistan power plant

تطبيق 20 طن رافعة علوية في باكستان للطاقة

Cranes have a wide range of applications in the power industry. In addition to lifting coal and other energy sources for power generation equipment, they can also provide assistance for the maintenance and replacement of various equipment. Today we are sharing a crane case from a باكستان power plant. The customer has customized a series of different types of cranes, including 20 طن رافعة علوية, 16 ton gantry crane, and 5 طن رافعة علوية.


Specifications of custom cranes for Pakistan power plants

5 Ton LD Type Single Girder Overhead Crane Specification

  • Lifting Capacity: 5 Ton Overhead Crane
  • Span: 19.5 Meter
  • Quantity: 4 sets

20 Ton LH Type Double Girder Overhead Crane Specification

  • Lifting Capacity: 20 Ton Overhead Crane
  • Span: 19.5 Meter
  • الكمية: 2 مجموعات

16 Ton MH Type Double Girder Gantry Crane Specification

  • Lifting Capacity: 16 Ton Gantry Crane
  • Span: 24 Meter
  • الكمية: 2 مجموعات

[xyz-ihs snippet=”20-ton-Overhead-Crane-case-in-Pakistan”]

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