المنزل → الحالات

الرافعات العلوية ، المعروف أيضا باسم الرافعات الجسرية هو نوع من معدات مناولة المواد لتلبية رفع متطلبات المتوسطة و الصناعات الثقيلة. عموما النفقات العامة رافعة رافعة مع رفع الرافعة السفر على طول قصب جسر بين مدرجين متوازيين.

الصينية رافعة المورد الذي يوفر الخدمات رافعة في العالم, دونغ تشى يمكن أن توفر تصميم حسب الطلب وتصنيع وتركيب وخدمة ما بعد البيع من أنواع مختلفة من الرافعات العلوية. وفقا للهيكل ، فإنه يمكن تقسيمها إلى واحد العارضة الرافعات العلوية مزدوجة العارضة الرافعات العلوية, و يمكن تقسيمها إلى العاديين الرافعات العلوية, واقية من الانفجار الرافعات العلوية ، والص الرافعات العلوية ، والاستيلاء على الرافعات العلوية ، الكهرومغناطيسي الأوناش العلوية حسب استخداماتها.

Australian conveyor manufacturers purchase 20 ton overhead cranes from China

Before sharing this case, the first thing to be clear is that if the lifting capacity of the crane exceeds 10 tons, it needs to be registered with the authority when entering Australia. However, when […]

The 2 ton overhead crane is sold from China to the UK

We sometimes have some crane orders from the UK. Buying cranes directly from a Chinese manufacturing plant will bring unexpected benefits. Our engineers will design drawings that satisfy customers aft[…]

التايلاندية صمام مصنع يشتري رافعة علوية من الصين

It is very cost-effective to purchase overhead cranes directly from China in Thailand. As a global crane supplier, we have provided crane services to customers in Thailand for more than ten years. If […]

Nigerian steel plant buys jib crane from China

There are many types of cranes used in iron and steel plants. Different cranes will be applied according to different working scenarios. In the steel making process, the following cranes are used, Lad[…]

Egypt buys 10 ton single beam overhead crane from China

What should we pay attention to when purchasing single beam cranes from China in Egypt? Generally speaking, you need to know the arrival time to avoid delaying the construction period. In addition, wh[…]

ميناء كراتشي في باكستان أوامر الروافع من الصين

What should I pay attention to if I want to order a winch from China? What are the main application scenarios of winches? We recently completed an order for winches from Karachi Port in Pakistan, and […]

2 طن الرافعات حبل الأسلاك تباع من الصين إلى بنغلاديش محطات الطاقة

The power plant is a special factory, if you need to customize an electric hoist to work for the power plant, you can contact us. In the electric hoist, there are various branches, so how to choose a […]

2 طن الجيب رافعة يباع من الصين إلى الإمارات العربية المتحدة

We have many partners in the UAE. Although the crane is an industry with a long repurchase cycle, we still have some customers who buy it many times in a short time due to expanding production and oth[…]

شراء 2 طن الجيب رافعة من الصين في الفلبين

Jib crane is a kind of small and medium-sized lifting equipment. It has a wide range of applications because of its unique structure, freedom and flexibility. Recently, we received an order from the P[…]

Electric chain hoists for the food industry are sold from China to Mexico

Due to the special nature of the food processing industry, the electric hoist and other equipment used in the industry need special treatment. For example, the lubricating oil used should be such that[…]

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