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60% of Japanese investors plan to expand investment in Vietnam

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على اليابان External Trade Organization (JETRO) announced a survey on the overseas investment of Japanese companies in 2022. Among them, 60% of Japanese investors in the Asia-Pacific region said they plan to expand their business in فيتنام in the next two years. This percentage is the highest in the ASEAN region and ranks third in the Asia-Pacific region, after الهند (72.5%) and بنغلاديش (71.6%).

In addition, according to opinion polls conducted in August and September last year, after the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam’s business profit prospects in 2022 have seen a strong recovery, especially in terms of production, consumption and direct services, with significant growth in export volume and market purchasing power.

According to another survey by the Japan External Trade Organization, Vietnam is second only to the الولايات المتحدة as the favorite investment destination for Japanese companies.


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