Crane for sale UK

Dongqi Crane sale in United Kingdom

Dongqi Hoist and Crane offers types of electric hoists, inculding chain hoist and wire rope hoist. For trolley hoist, Dongqi offers electric trolley chain hoist and fixed types trolley hoist with lifting capacity up 35 tons. And also custom trolley hoist is also available. With your specific requirements, Dongqi Hoist and Crane is able to offers your unique chain hoist.

Types of cranes sold in United Kingdom

  1.  رافعة علوية
    1.  رافعة علوية مزودة بدلو
    2.  LD عارضة واحدة رافعة علوية
    3.  QC الكهرومغناطيسية رافعة علوية
    4.  LH مزدوجة العارضة رافعة علوية
    5.  رافعة علوية ذات عارضة مزدوجة QD
    6.  QY العزل رافعة علوية
    7.  الأوروبي مزدوجة العارضة رافعة علوية
  2.  رافعة جسرية
    1.  عارضة واحدة رافعة جسرية
    2.  مزدوجة العارضة رافعة جسرية
    3.  شبه رافعة جسرية
    4.  الإطار بوابة رافعة
    5.  رافعة قنطرية متحركة
    6.  L الكهربائية عربة رافعة جسرية
  3.  الجيب رافعة
    1.  المحمولة الجيب رافعة / موبايل الجيب رافعة
    2.  BB الجدار السفر الجيب رافعة
    3.  BZ عمود الجيب رافعة
    4.  BX الحائط الجيب رافعة
  4.  الرافعة الكهربائية
    1.  MD1 مضاعفة سرعة الرافعة الكهربائية
    2.  CD1 سرعة واحدة رافعة كهربائية
    3.  الأوروبي الرافعة الكهربائية
    4.  سلسلة الكهربائية يرفعون
    5.  منخفضة الإرتفاع الأسلاك الكهربائية حبل الرافعة
    6.  رافعة سلسلة يدوية / كتلة سلسلة

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The best selling crane in the United Kingdom

LH نوع مزدوجة العارضة رافعة رافعة علوية

LH مزدوجة العارضة رافعة علوية

LH مزدوجة العارضة رافعة علوية

LH مزدوجة العارضة رافعة رافعة علوية لديه الخصائص المدمجة instructure ، وانخفاض بناء تخليص الجسم خفيف و صغير عجلة التحميل. فإنه يمكن تحقيق أقصى قدر من رفع الارتفاع إلى الاستفادة الكاملة من ورشة العمل.يمكن أن تكون سرعة adujisted أن تكون مستقرة السفر.

  • سعة: 0.5-30 طن/حسب الطلب
  • المدى: 10.5 متر ~ 31.5 متر حسب متطلباتك
  • رفع الطول: 3-48m وفقا لمتطلبات الخاص بك
  • الجهد: 380V 50HZ AC 3P

The use of LH double girder bridge cranes in the المملكة المتحدة can be mainly inferred based on their widespread use around the world, especially in industries such as industry, construction, and ports. Although specific usage in the UK may vary depending on the region, industry characteristics, and specific needs, in general, the use of LH double girder bridge cranes in the UK can be summarized as follows:

1. الصناعة التحويلية

  • Production line material handling: In large factories and production lines, LH double girder bridge cranes are used to carry and transfer heavy materials, parts, and finished products to improve production efficiency.
  • Assembly operations: In industries such as machinery manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, and wind power equipment manufacturing, cranes are used for precise lifting and assembly of large components.

2. والتخزين والخدمات اللوجستية

  • Cargo loading and unloading: In warehouses and logistics centers, LH double girder bridge cranes are used for loading and unloading, stacking, and transshipment of goods, speeding up cargo handling and improving warehousing efficiency.
  • Inventory management: Helps to achieve orderly storage and rapid retrieval of goods, and optimizes inventory management processes.

3. الموانئ والأرصفة

  • Cargo handling: At ports and docks, LH double-girder bridge cranes are used to load and unload containers, bulk cargo and other heavy cargo, and are one of the indispensable equipment in port operations.
  • Ship supply: Provide material supplies such as fuel and fresh water to docked ships.

4. Construction projects

  • Lifting of building materials: On construction sites, cranes are used to lift building materials such as steel and precast concrete parts to help build high-rise buildings and large infrastructure.
  • Equipment installation: In the later stages of construction, they are used to install large equipment such as elevators and air-conditioning units.

5. Special industries

  • Energy industry: In the power, oil, gas and other industries, LH double-girder bridge cranes are used for equipment maintenance, pipeline installation and handling of heavy components.
  • Environmental protection and recycling: At garbage treatment plants and waste recycling stations, cranes are used to lift and transport garbage, scrap metal and other materials.
$1,500.00 – $25,000.00/ set

QDX نوع مزدوجة العارضة رافعة رافعة علوية

QDX الأوروبي مزدوجة العارضة رافعة علوية

QDX الأوروبي مزدوجة العارضة رافعة علوية

QDX الأوروبي مزدوجة العارضة رافعة رافعة الجسر تعتمد فريدة من نوعها الأوروبية الموحدة مفهوم التصميم ، ويضم صغيرة الحجم وخفيفة الوزن وصغيرة ضغط العجلات.

  • رفع القدرات: 1t~80t;
  • مدى الرافعة: 7.5 متر ~ 28.5 متر؛
  • رفع الارتفاع: وفقا لمتطلبات العميل;
  • جهد فلطي: 380V 50Hz 3Phase.

The application of QDX European double-girder bridge crane in the UK can be analyzed based on its characteristics as a high-performance lifting equipment and combined with the actual needs of British industry, construction, logistics and other fields. The following is a detailed analysis of its application:

1. الصناعية في مجال التصنيع

خط إنتاج التعامل مع المواد:

  • In the UK manufacturing industry, QDX European double girder overhead cranes are used for material handling in large factories and production lines. Its efficient lifting and moving capabilities can significantly improve the material flow efficiency of the production line and reduce labor costs.

Heavy parts assembly:

  • In industries such as machinery manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, and wind power equipment manufacturing, QDX European double-girder bridge cranes can accurately hoist and assemble large components to ensure the smooth progress of the production process.

Quality control and testing:

  • During the production process, cranes can also be used to assist with quality control and inspection work, such as lifting heavy inspection equipment to inspect products.

2. Warehousing and logistics field

Cargo handling and stacking:

  • In warehouses and logistics centers in the UK, QDX European double-girder overhead cranes are widely used in cargo loading, unloading and stacking operations. Its efficient operating capabilities can speed up the processing of goods and improve warehousing efficiency.

إدارة المخزون:

  • Cranes can also help achieve orderly storage and rapid retrieval of goods, optimize inventory management processes, and reduce inventory costs.

3. البناء الهندسة الميدانية

رفع مواد البناء:

  • On construction sites, QDX European double-girder bridge cranes can be used to lift steel, concrete prefabricated parts and other building materials to assist the construction of high-rise buildings and large infrastructure.

Equipment installation and maintenance:

  • In the later stages of construction, cranes can also be used to install large equipment, such as elevators, air conditioning units, etc., and provide necessary lifting support during equipment maintenance.

4. Special industry applications

صناعة الطاقة:

  • In industries such as electric power, oil, and natural gas, QDX European double-girder bridge cranes can be used for equipment maintenance, pipeline installation, and transportation of heavy components. Its powerful lifting capacity and stability can meet the needs of these industries for efficient and safe operations.

Environmental protection and recycling:

  • In garbage treatment plants and waste recycling stations, cranes can be used to lift and transfer garbage, scrap metal and other materials, helping the development of environmental protection.

5. Technical features and advantages


  • QDX European double-girder bridge crane adopts advanced frequency conversion speed regulation motor and intelligent control system, which can achieve smooth start and stop, reduce energy consumption and improve operating efficiency.


  • The crane is equipped with multiple protection systems (such as overload protection, limit protection, emergency stop, etc.) to ensure the safety of operators and equipment.

Ease of maintenance:

  • The modular design and standardized design of wearing parts make the maintenance and replacement of parts of the crane more convenient.


  • يدعم عن بعد الرصد وخطأ التشخيص الوظائف التي يمكن الكشف عن وحل المشاكل في الوقت المناسب وتقليل وقت التوقف عن العمل.
$5,600.00 – $100,000.00/ set

HD نوع عارضة واحدة رافعة كهربائية ورافعة

HD عارضة واحدة رافعة علوية الخفيفة الوزن, هيكل مدمج منخفضة استهلاك الطاقة.

  • رفع القدرات: 1t~20t;
  • مدى الرافعة: 7.5 متر ~ 28.5 متر؛
  • الطبقة العاملة: A3, A4, A5;
  • العامل envionment: -20 درجة مئوية~40 درجة.

The application of HD electric hoist bridge crane in the UK can be analyzed from multiple fields and angles. The following is a specific analysis of its application:

1. الصناعية في مجال التصنيع

خط إنتاج التعامل مع المواد:

  • In the UK manufacturing industry, HD electric hoist bridge crane is widely used for material handling on the production line. Its electric hoist is compact in design and flexible in operation. It can efficiently and accurately complete various lifting tasks and improve the material flow efficiency of the production line.

Heavy component assembly:

  • In industries such as machinery manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, and wind power equipment manufacturing, HD electric hoist bridge crane can assist in the assembly of heavy components. Its strong lifting capacity and stable performance ensure the smooth progress of the assembly process.

Production line maintenance:

  • During the production line maintenance process, the crane can be used to lift and move heavy equipment or components, which is convenient for maintenance personnel to carry out inspection and replacement work.

2. Warehousing and logistics field

Cargo loading and unloading and stacking:

  • In warehouses and logistics centers, HD electric hoist bridge cranes are used for cargo loading and unloading and stacking operations. Its electric hoist can move along the bridge track to achieve rapid handling and stacking of goods and improve storage efficiency.
  • Inventory management: Cranes can also be used to assist in inventory management, such as moving goods from storage areas to shipping areas, or sorting and organizing goods.

3. البناء الهندسة الميدانية

  • Lifting of Building Materials: On construction sites, HD electric hoist bridge cranes can be used to lift building materials such as steel and precast concrete. Its electric hoist is reasonably designed to meet the lifting needs of building materials of different weights and sizes.
  • Equipment Installation and Maintenance: In the later stages of construction, cranes can be used to install large equipment such as elevators and air conditioning units. At the same time, during equipment maintenance, cranes can also be used to lift and move heavy parts, making it convenient for maintenance personnel to perform maintenance work.

4. Special Industry Applications

  • Energy Industry: In industries such as electricity, oil, and natural gas, HD electric hoist bridge cranes can be used for equipment maintenance, pipeline installation, and the handling of heavy parts. Its stable performance and strong lifting capacity can meet the needs of these industries for efficient and safe operations.
  • Environmental protection and recycling: In garbage treatment plants and waste recycling stations, cranes can be used to lift and transport garbage, scrap metal and other materials, helping the development of environmental protection.

5. Technical features and advantages

  • Efficiency: HD electric hoist bridge crane uses electric hoist as the lifting mechanism, which has the advantages of fast lifting speed and accurate positioning, and can significantly improve work efficiency.
  • Safety: The crane is equipped with multiple safety protection devices (such as overload protection, limit protection, emergency stop, etc.) to ensure the safety of operators and equipment.
  • Flexibility: The electric hoist is compact in design and flexible in operation, and can adapt to the lifting needs of different heights and spans.
  • Easy to maintain: The crane has a reasonable structural design, which is easy to maintain and maintain, reducing the cost of use.
$5,000.00 – $10,000.00/ set

LDA نوع عارضة واحدة رافعة رافعة علوية

10 طن LD عارضة واحدة رافعة علوية

LD عارضة واحدة رافعة علوية

عارضة واحدة رافعة رافعة علوية يستخدم مع CD1 نوع MD1 نوع الرافعة الكهربائية.

  • رفع القدرات: 1t-32t.
  • العمر: 7.5-28.5 م ،
  • مستوى العمل: A3-A5 ،
  • بيئة العمل درجة الحرارة: -25°C-40°C

LD single-girder bridge cranes are also widely used in the UK, mainly in areas that require efficient, flexible and cost-effective material handling and lifting operations. The following is a specific analysis of its application:

1. الصناعية في مجال التصنيع

خط إنتاج التعامل مع المواد:

  • In the UK manufacturing industry, LD single-girder bridge cranes are an important tool for production line material handling. They can easily transfer raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products between production lines to improve production efficiency.

Light component assembly:

  • For production lines that require frequent light component assembly, LD single-girder bridge cranes provide a flexible and efficient solution. Its single-girder design makes the crane compact and easy to operate in a limited space.

Equipment maintenance and overhaul:

  • During the maintenance and overhaul of production line equipment, LD single-girder bridge cranes can be used to hoist and move small or medium-sized equipment parts, which is convenient for maintenance personnel to inspect and replace.

2. Warehousing and logistics field

Cargo handling and stacking:

  • In warehouses and logistics centers, LD single-girder bridge cranes are used for cargo loading, unloading and stacking operations. Although its carrying capacity may be slightly lower than that of a double-beam crane, LD single-beam cranes provide a cost-effective solution for light to medium-weight cargo.

إدارة المخزون:

  • Similar to other types of bridge cranes, LD single-beam bridge cranes can also be used for inventory management, helping to achieve orderly storage and quick retrieval of goods.

3. Light Industry and Service Industry

  • Light Industry: In light industries such as textiles, papermaking, and food, LD single-beam bridge cranes are used for material handling on production lines and auxiliary operations during processing.
  • Service Industry: In service industry places such as large supermarkets and logistics parks, cranes can be used for handling and stacking of goods to improve warehousing and logistics efficiency.

4. Special Environment Applications

  • Compact Space: The compact design of LD single-beam bridge cranes makes them very suitable for operation in limited spaces, such as factory workshops, basements, or corners of warehouses.
  • Clean Environment: In places where a clean environment needs to be maintained (such as food processing plants, pharmaceutical plants, etc.), LD single-beam cranes can be equipped with special materials such as dust and corrosion protection to meet special needs.

5. الميزات التقنية والمزايا

فعالية التكلفة:

  • Compared with double-beam bridge cranes, LD single-beam bridge cranes have lower manufacturing and maintenance costs, and are suitable for occasions with limited budgets or cost savings.


  • The single-beam design makes the crane compact and light, easy to install and move, and provides good flexibility to adapt to different working environments.


  • Despite its limited carrying capacity, LD single-beam bridge cranes excel in light to medium-weight material handling and can significantly improve work efficiency.

سهلة للحفاظ على:

  • The simple structure and fewer components make LD single-beam bridge cranes easy to maintain and maintain, reducing long-term operating costs.
$800.00 – $10,000.00/ set

MH نوع عارضة واحدة رافعة رافعة جسرية

MH عارضة واحدة رافعة جسرية

MH عارضة واحدة رافعة جسرية

عارضة واحدة رافعة جسرية يتطابق مع CD1 أو MD1 الرافعة الكهربائية, و هو ضوء صغير مع رافعة السكك الحديدية في السفر.

  • رفع القدرات: 1t~32t;
  • مدى الرافعة: 7.5 متر ~ 28.5 متر؛
  • رفع الارتفاع: وفقا لمتطلبات العميل;
  • جهد فلطي: 380V 50Hz 3Phase

Regarding the specific application of MH single-beam gantry cranes in the UK, due to limited direct information, the following is an overview based on general knowledge and the general situation of the crane industry:

1. Characteristics of MH single-beam gantry cranes

MH single-beam gantry cranes are a kind of lifting equipment with compact structure and flexible operation. They usually have a large span and lifting height. They are suitable for material handling and installation operations in open warehouses, along railways, port terminals and other sites. Its single-beam design makes the overall structure of the equipment simpler, the manufacturing cost is relatively low, and it can meet general lifting needs.

2. Application scenarios in the UK

ميناء المحطات:

  • Container handling: At port terminals, MH single-beam gantry cranes can be used for loading and unloading and stacking of containers to improve the turnover efficiency of containers.
  • Bulk cargo loading and unloading: For bulk cargo such as coal, ore, etc., MH single-beam gantry cranes can also be used with auxiliary tools such as grab buckets for loading and unloading operations.

Shipbuilding industry:

  • Component lifting: In the shipbuilding process, MH single-beam gantry cranes can be used to lift hull components such as decks, bulkheads, etc. to improve shipbuilding efficiency.
  • Slipway operations: In the slipway area, cranes can be used to meet various lifting needs during the hull construction process.

صناعة الصلب:

  • Steel handling: In steel mills, MH single-beam gantry cranes can be used to handle and stack various steels, such as steel plates, billets, etc.
  • Equipment maintenance: During equipment maintenance, cranes can be used to lift and move heavy equipment and components.

غيرها من المجالات الصناعية:

  • Warehousing and logistics: In large warehouses and logistics centers, MH single-beam gantry cranes can be used for storage and handling of goods.
  • Energy industry: In energy industries such as wind power and nuclear power, cranes can be used to lift and install heavy equipment and components.
$4,500.00 – $22,000.00/ set

الثقيلة مزدوجة العارضة رافعة جسرية

الثقيلة مزدوجة العارضة رافعة جسرية

الثقيلة مزدوجة العارضة رافعة جسرية

هذا نوع رافعة جسرية على نطاق واسع المستخدمة في التخزين والخدمات اللوجستية ، الآلات الدقيقة, تصنيع المعادن ، وطاقة الرياح وصناعة السيارات والسكك الحديدية والنقل ، آلات البناء ،

  • رفع القدرات: 1t~500t;
  • مدى الرافعة: 7.5 متر ~ 28.5 متر؛
  • رفع الارتفاع: وفقا لمتطلبات العميل;
  • جهد فلطي: 380V 50Hz 3Phase

Heavy-duty double-girder gantry cranes are widely and deeply used in the UK, mainly in the following aspects:

1. الصناعة التحويلية

Material handling of production lines:

  • In heavy industrial manufacturing fields, such as automobile manufacturing, steel smelting, heavy machinery manufacturing, etc., heavy-duty double-girder gantry cranes are key equipment for material handling of production lines. They can efficiently and accurately carry large and heavy raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, improving the overall efficiency of the production line.

Heavy-duty component assembly:

  • In the assembly process of heavy components, such as automobile bodies, large mechanical structural parts, etc., heavy-duty double-girder gantry cranes can provide strong lifting capacity to ensure accurate positioning and rapid installation of components.

Equipment maintenance and overhaul:

  • For large-scale production equipment, regular maintenance and overhaul are essential. Heavy-duty double-girder gantry cranes can easily lift and move heavy equipment or components, provide convenience for maintenance personnel, and ensure the normal operation of equipment.

2. Port and logistics fields

والشحن والتفريغ:

  • In ports and logistics centers, heavy-duty double-girder gantry cranes are important tools for cargo loading and unloading. They can handle large and heavy goods, such as containers, bulk goods, etc., improve loading and unloading efficiency, and reduce labor costs.

Cargo stacking and storage:

  • In warehouses and yards, heavy-duty double-beam gantry cranes can be used for stacking and storage of goods. They can accurately stack goods in designated locations, improve the storage capacity of warehouses and the efficiency of cargo management.

3. Infrastructure construction field

Building material handling:

  • In large-scale infrastructure construction projects, such as bridges, tunnels, high-rise buildings, etc., heavy-duty double-beam gantry cranes are important equipment for building material handling. They can handle large building materials such as steel bars and prefabricated concrete parts to ensure the smooth progress of construction.

تركيب المعدات:

  • During the infrastructure construction process, heavy-duty double-beam gantry cranes are also used for the installation of large equipment, such as lifting machinery, elevators, etc. They can ensure the safe and accurate installation of equipment, providing strong guarantees for the smooth completion of the project.

4. الخصائص التقنية والمزايا

قوة رفع القدرات:

  • Heavy-duty double-beam gantry cranes have a strong lifting capacity and can meet the handling needs of various heavy and large materials.

Efficient and stable:

  • Its structural design is reasonable, the operation is stable and reliable, and it can operate efficiently in various complex environments.

مرنة ومتنوعة:

  • According to different work requirements, heavy-duty double-beam gantry cranes can be customized to meet the use requirements of different industries and different scenarios.
$2,000.00 – $100,000.00/ set

Crane cases in the United Kingdom

2 ton electric winch sold to UK

2 ton electric winchThis is the electric winch sold to United Kingdom in 2019. Electric winch is a light and small lifting equipment that uses a drum to wind a wire rope or chain to lift or pull heavy objects. The electric winch can be used alone or in combination with wire rope rigging, chain rigging, chain hoists, shackles and other tools. The electric winch is easy to operate, has a large amount of rope winding, and is easy to displace. It can vertically lift, horizontally or pull heavy objects. Electric winches are widely used in construction projects such as electric power, ships, automobile manufacturing, construction, highways, bridges, metallurgy, mines, shaft finishing and protection, etc. Its use can effectively improve labor efficiency, improve labor conditions, and reduce the workload of workers. , bringing a lot of convenience to people’s production and life. This is one of the successful cases of Dongqi electric winch in United Kingdom

ونش كهربائي المعلمات

  • رفع القدرات: 2 طن
  • Rope length: 30m
  • العمل الجهد: 415v/50hz/3p

2 ton overhead crane is sold to the UK

Single girder Electric Suspension CraneThis is the 2 ton suspended overhead crane sold to United Kingdom in 2019. LX electric single beam suspension crane is used together with CD ₁ and MD ₁ electric hoists to form a single beam crane with rail operation. The running track of the suspension crane uses I-beam steel, and both ends of the main beam are suspended under the I-beam steel for front and rear operation. It is a small tonnage lifting equipment. This is one of the successful cases of Dongqi suspended overhead crane in United Kingdom

LX electric single beam suspension crane parameters

  • رفع القدرات: 2 طن
  • Span: 12m
  • رفع الارتفاع: 6 م
  • العمل الجهد: 415v/50hz/3p

BZ type 5 ton jib crane in United Kingdom

أستراليا BZ نوع 5 طن رافعة الجيبThis is the BZ type jib crane sold to United Kingdom in 2020. The jib crane (cantilever crane) has the advantages of compact structure, convenient operation, stable mechanism operation and rotation without shaking and noise, and is an energy-saving and efficient material lifting equipment. Compared with traditional cranes, it can save more equipment costs, and is suitable for lifting heavy objects in precision machinery manufacturing, high-end electrical equipment, new energy products, biological medicine, various laboratory production lines, loading and unloading, and other places. It is possible to customize different dual speed lifting speeds for hoists, dual speed trolleys, dual speed rotations, and other special usage requirements. It has strong advantages in accurate positioning of products, does not cause damage to equipment and products, and creates value for enterprises. This is one of the successful cases of Dongqi BZ type jib crane in United Kingdom

BZ الجيب رافعة المعلمات

  • رفع القدرات: 5 طن
  • الذراع: 5m
  • رفع الارتفاع: 6 م
  • العمل الجهد: 415v/50hz/3p
  • المحطة الطرفية: مصنع تصنيع

ملغ مزدوجة شعاع رافعة جسرية-3D

Dongqi’s crane service in the United Kingdom

نحن رافعة مصنع يقع في الصين ، توفير رافعة خدمات التخصيص العالمية رافعة العملاء. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى تخصيص رافعة, نحن بحاجة للحصول على الاحتياجات الخاصة بك على الرافعات. أخذ الرافعات العلوية كمثال على ذلك ، نحن بحاجة إلى توفير المنتجات التالية المعلمات ، يمكنك ترك رسالة على الموقع أو البريد الإلكتروني: sales010@cranesdq.comقل لنا المعلومات التالية ، مدير المبيعات لدينا بالاتصال بك:

  • رفع السعة (طن): __ ?( السعة)
  • رفع الارتفاع (م):__ ? (الطول من ربط مركز الأرض)
  • Span (م): __ ? (المسافة بين مركز السكك الحديدية)
  • سرعة رفع (م/دقيقة): __ ? ( مفردة ، مزدوجة ، متغير)
  • السفر المسافة (م): __ ? (طول السكك الحديدية)
  • العمل: __ ? (كم عدد ساعات اليوم ؟ كم مرة ساعة؟)
  • ما المواد التي سيتم رفع: __ ?
  • الصناعية الجهد: __ ? ( مثل :380V, 50Hz, 3ph )

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