F24-8D gantry crane remote control sold to Poland in 2022

Homeالحالة معرض → F24-8D gantry crane remote control sold to Poland in 2022

F24-8D gantry crane remote control sold to Poland in 2022

F24-8D gantry crane remote control procurement parameters

  • Order time: 2022.9.2
  • رفع القدرات: 25 طن
  • Order content: MGO type 25 ton gantry crane F24-8D remote control*2
  • البلدان المصدرة: بولندا

هذا هو رافعة أجزاء order from Poland in 2022. The customer has purchased two F24-8D gantry crane remote controls from our crane factory, which will be used for one MGO 25 ton gantry crane. We received a request from the customer and confirmed that the customer had made the corresponding payment. On September 7th, we sent the remote control to Poland via express delivery.

Our company mainly sells complete cranes, and not all crane accessories can be sold directly. If you need to purchase some crane accessories, you can الاتصال بنا and we will determine whether we can provide them to you based on your needs.

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