Homeالحالة معرض → HD 5-ton overhead crane sold to Panama in 2022

HD 5-ton overhead crane sold to Panama in 2022

HD رافعة علوية المشتريات المعلمات

  • Order time: 2022.7.4
  • رفع القدرات: 5 طن
  • Lifting height: 6 m
  • Span: 4.5 m
  • العمل الجهد: 220v/60hz/3p
  • ترتيب المحتوى: HD 5 طن رافعة علوية
  • البلدان المصدرة: Panama

This is an order for overhead cranes sold to Panama in 2022. The customer purchased one HD European 5-ton single beam overhead crane from our crane factory. The order was placed in the factory on July 8th, the production of the main beam was completed on July 21st, the painting of the main beam was completed on August 15th, the production of NR electric hoist was completed on August 17th, and all production tasks for the order were completed on August 24th. On August 26th, we shipped our product to Panama, where the overhead crane will be used in a construction material production factory. The atlas shows the packaged details of the main beam, end beam, and NR electric hoist of the overhead crane. If you want to learn more about the overhead crane and the latest price of the 5 ton overhead crane, please الاتصال بنا.

HD رافعة علوية مقدمة

HD كرين نوع من منخفضة الإرتفاع رافعة, وعادة ما تستخدم في مصنع ورش عمل مع انخفاض ارتفاع الفضاء ، والتي يمكن أن تستخدم بشكل فعال في الفضاء ارتفاع وزيادة ارتفاع الرفع.

The HD electric single-girder crane is independently developed and designed on the basis of introducing advanced European design and manufacturing technology and combining the latest domestic standards such as GB3811-2008 and JB/T1306-2008. The appearance is beautiful, and the driving mechanism adopts KONE three-in-one reducer (hard tooth surface reducer, frequency conversion brake motor), which is completely comparable to similar European products in terms of appearance and technical performance. Its superior performance is reflected in the mature application of modular design, frequency conversion speed regulation, automatic detection and other technologies, and various protection functions such as overload protection, overcurrent protection, and voltage loss protection make the electric single beam more perfect.

الرافعة الكهربائية ذات العارضة الواحدة HD مناسبة للعمل في ظروف البيئة لمستوى العمل A3~A5، ودرجة حرارة بيئة العمل -25°C~+40°C، والرطوبة النسبية ≥85% ولا يوجد بها وسط قابل للاشتعال أو متفجر أو مسبب للتآكل. قدرة الرفع هي 1-16 طن، والامتداد 7.5-25.5 متر. إن مصدر طاقة الرافعة عبارة عن تيار متردد ثلاثي الطور بتردد مقدر 50 هرتز أو 60 هرتز. الجهد المقنن هو 220 فولت ~ 660 فولت. الحدود العليا والدنيا لتقلبات الجهد المسموح بها للمحرك هي ±10%، وفقدان الجهد الداخلي للرافعة لا يزيد عن 3%.

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