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الرافعات العلوية التي تباع من الصين الى العراق

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According to the data obtained from Chinese customs, the value of bridge cranes imported by العراق من الصين في عام 2021 دولار أمريكي 609000 ، مقارنة مع 1975000 في عام 2020. حيث استيراد كمية ما مجموعه 9 مجموعات من الرافعات الجسرية تم استيرادها في عام 2021 ، بمتوسط استيراد سعر الوحدة $67600. في عام 2020 ما مجموعه 44 مجموعات من الرافعات الجسرية تم استيرادها ، بمتوسط استيراد سعر الوحدة $44800. سواء استيراد كمية استيراد كمية تظهر أن العراقيين جسر الرافعة السوق تراجعت بشكل كبير في عام 2021. مقارنة مع عام 2020 ، رافعة الجسر تواجه ارتفاع حاد في الحديد خام الشحن البحري في 2021 ، مما قد يؤدي إلى انخفاض في الطلب على الرافعات الجسرية في العراق. والخبر السار هو أنه من كانون الثاني / يناير إلى تشرين الأول / أكتوبر عام 2021 الثنائية حجم الواردات والصادرات من البضائع بين الصين والعراق $30247.28 مليون دولار بزيادة قدرها 4868.3937 مليون دولار مقارنة مع نفس الفترة في عام 2020 بزيادة قدرها 19% سنويا. نحن الكامل من التوقعات العراقية جسر الرافعة السوق في فترة ما بعد الوباء العصر.

ممتازة رافعة المورد في الصين ، دونغ تشى رافعة توفر أنواع مختلفة من رافعة المعدات والخدمات إلى العديد من البلدان في جميع أنحاء العالم. لديه تجربة غنية في تصميم وتركيب الرافعات الجسرية المطلوبة من قبل العراق. من أجل تلبية كفاءة العمل من الرافعات الجسرية تحت مختلف ظروف العمل دونغ تشى رافعة وقد تم تصميم العديد من أنواع مختلفة من الرافعات الجسرية. من أجل مساعدة العراقيين العملاء على فهم هذه المنتجات بسهولة أكثر ، فإن هذه الورقة سوف نقدم أنواع و خصائص العمل من الرافعات الجسرية واحدا تلو الآخر. إذا كنت مهتما في منتجاتنا ، يمكنك النقر هنا الاتصال بناأو قل لنا من قبل البريد الإلكتروني: sales010@cranesdq.com

عارضة واحدة رافعة علوية بيعها إلى العراق السعر

رافعة علويةSpan(م)رفع الارتفاع(m)التيار الكهربائي(V)السعر(دولار أمريكي)
1 طن7.5~31.56~30220-480/3/50$2200~40000
2 طن7.5~31.56~30220-480/3/50$2500~40800
3 طن7.5~31.56~30220-480/3/50$2600~41000
5 طن7.5~31.56~30220-480/3/50$3000~41500
10 طن7.5~31.56~30220-480/3/50$4000~45000
16 طن7.5~31.56~30220-480/3/50$5000~48000
20 طن7.5~31.56~30220-480/3/50$6000~50000
25 طن7.5~31.56~30220-480/3/50$8000~56000

السعر أعلاه النفقات العامة لجسر الرافعات سوف تتغير مع السوق دون إشعار آخر ، للرجوع إليها فقط. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى دقة الأسعار في المستقبل القريب ، يرجى الاتصال بنا.


مزدوجة العارضة رافعة علوية بيعها إلى العراق السعر

رافعة علويةSpan(م)رفع الارتفاع(m)التيار الكهربائي(V)السعر(دولار أمريكي)
1 طن7.5~31.56~30220-480/3/50$4000-60000
2 طن7.5~31.56~30220-480/3/50$4500-62000
3 طن7.5~31.56~30220-480/3/50$5000-66000
5 طن7.5~31.56~30220-480/3/50$5800-72000
10 طن7.5~31.56~30220-480/3/50$6500-79000
16 طن7.5~31.56~30220-480/3/50$7800-86000
20 طن7.5~31.56~30220-480/3/50$8600-95000
25 طن7.5~31.56~30220-480/3/50$9800-110000

السعر من فوق جسر الرافعات سوف تتغير مع السوق دون إشعار آخر ، للرجوع إليها فقط. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى دقة الأسعار في المستقبل القريب, يرجى الاتصال بنا.


أنواع الرافعات العلوية التي تباع من قبل دونغ تشى رافعة إلى العراق

الاستيلاء على دلو فوق رافعة للبيع في العراق

الاستيلاء على رافعة علوية السفر

الاستيلاء على الرافعة الثقيلة رافعة مزدوجة العارضة النفقات العامة مجهزة انتزاع دلو ، والتي يمكن استخدامها في كثير من الأحيان. رفع قدرة الاستيلاء على رافعة شملت الوزن الميت من الاستيلاء على دلو من 5 طن الى 25 طن. الطبقة العاملة من الاستيلاء على رافعة A6. مواصفات الاستيلاء على رافعة ويرد في الجدول التالي للرجوع اليها و تصميم حسب الطلب يمكن أن تقدمها دونغ تشى رافعة.

Grab bridge crane is a multifunctional lifting equipment, and its unique working characteristics make it have a wide range of application prospects in many fields in Iraq. The following is a specific analysis of the application of grab bridge crane in Iraq, as well as the advantages shown according to the application field:

1. خصائص العمل من الاستيلاء على جسر الرافعة

الخصائص الهيكلية:

  • Grab bridge crane is mainly composed of box-shaped bridge, grab trolley, trolley running mechanism, driver's cab and electrical control system.
  • Grab as a lifting device, can grab bulk materials such as mineral powder, coke slag, coke, etc.

Functional characteristics:

  • Grab bridge crane has an opening and closing mechanism and a lifting mechanism. Through the coordinated work of these two mechanisms, the material can be grabbed, transferred and released.
  • Grab bridge crane is usually equipped with safety protection devices, such as limiters, overload protectors, etc., to ensure the safety of operation.

Performance characteristics:

  • Grab bridge crane is suitable for harsh environments such as heavy loads, high temperatures, dust, etc.
  • Flexible operation, stable performance, support for remote control, and improve work efficiency.

2. Application of grab bridge cranes in Iraq

قطاع النفط والغاز:

  • Grab bridge cranes can be used to transport and stack various bulk materials such as ore, coke, etc. in the oil and gas industry.
  • In oil field construction, they can be used to hoist and install large equipment such as drilling platforms, storage tanks, etc.

بناء البنية التحتية:

  • In the field of infrastructure construction in Iraq, grab bridge cranes can be used to transport and stack construction materials such as steel bars and cement.
  • In bridge, road and other projects, they can be used to hoist prefabricated components and large components.

الموانئ والخدمات اللوجستية:

  • Grab bridge cranes play an important role in ports and logistics centers for loading and unloading and transshipping bulk goods such as coal, ore, etc.
  • Can be used for cargo handling and stacking operations at container terminals.


  • In the manufacturing industry, grab bridge cranes can be used for material handling and assembly operations on production lines.
  • Especially in the manufacturing process that requires handling of bulk materials, such as cement, fertilizer, etc., grab bridge cranes have significant advantages.

3. Advantages of grab bridge cranes in Iraq

قطاع النفط والغاز:

  • Improve operating efficiency: grab bridge cranes can quickly and accurately complete bulk material handling and stacking operations, improving production efficiency.
  • Reduce labor intensity: mechanized operations are used to reduce the labor intensity of operators.

بناء البنية التحتية:

  • Strong adaptability: grab bridge cranes can cope with various complex working conditions and harsh environments to ensure the smooth progress of construction projects.
  • Improve construction quality: mechanized operations are used to ensure construction accuracy and quality.

الموانئ والخدمات اللوجستية:

  • Improve loading and unloading efficiency: grab bridge cranes can quickly and continuously complete cargo loading and unloading and transshipment operations, improving the port's throughput capacity.
  • Reduce transportation costs: By improving loading and unloading efficiency, reducing the time that cargo stays at the port, and reducing transportation costs.

الصناعة التحويلية:

  • Improve production efficiency: grab bridge cranes can quickly and accurately complete material handling and assembly operations, improving production efficiency.
  • Reduce material loss: mechanized operations are used to reduce material loss and waste during the handling process.

In summary, grab bridge cranes have broad application prospects and significant advantages in many fields in Iraq. With the continuous development of Iraq's economy and the continuous advancement of infrastructure construction, the application of grab bridge cranes will be more extensive and in-depth.


LD عارضة واحدة رافعة علوية للبيع في العراق

LD الكهربائية عارضة واحدة رافعة علوية

دونغ تشى توريد واحدة رافعة العارضة مع رفع القدرات: 1~20t ، سبان:7.5~28.5 م, ارتفاع الرفع 1~30 م, العمل منخفضة الدرجة A3,A4. نحن أيضا تصميم وتصنيع قياسي رافعة وفقا المستخدمين تطلبا.

هذا رافعة تستخدم في درجة الحرارة المحيطة من -25 ° c ~ +40 ° م الرطوبة≤85%, في الارتفاع تحت 1000 متر, إمدادات الطاقة 3-ph, 380V,50HZ(يمكن تغيير كما طلب المستخدم).

LD single-beam bridge crane is a lifting equipment with excellent performance and compact structure. Its unique working characteristics make it have broad application prospects in many fields in Iraq. The following is a specific analysis of the application of LD single-beam bridge crane in Iraq:

1. Working characteristics of LD single-beam bridge crane

  • بنية مدمجة وخفيفة الوزن: LD single-beam bridge crane adopts single-beam structure, compact design, relatively light weight, low bearing capacity requirements for the foundation, suitable for use in areas with complex geological conditions such as Iraq.
  • سلاسة و دقة تحديد المواقع: The crane usually adopts variable frequency drive, so that the crane can accurately position the load during lifting or operation, reduce the swing of the lifting object, and increase the safety and comfort during operation.
  • Excellent performance and high lifting efficiency: LD single-beam bridge crane adopts electric hoist as the lifting mechanism, which is designed and manufactured by professional manufacturers, with excellent performance and high lifting efficiency, and can meet the lifting needs under various complex working conditions in Iraq.
  • عملية سهلة و قوية المرونة: The operation of each mechanism of the crane is controlled by the ground control button box, which is easy and flexible to operate, reducing the labor intensity of the operator. At the same time, the crane also supports remote control, which further improves the flexibility of operation.
  • آمنة وموثوق بها وسهلة للحفاظ على: LD single-beam bridge cranes are equipped with various safety protection devices, such as limiters, overload protectors, etc., to ensure the safety of operations. In addition, the maintenance of the crane is relatively convenient, reducing maintenance costs.

2. Application of LD single-beam bridge cranes in Iraq

  • قطاع النفط والغاز: Iraq is a country rich in oil and gas resources. LD single-beam bridge cranes can be used in the oil and gas industry to transport and stack various equipment, tools and materials, such as drilling equipment, pipelines, valves, etc. At the same time, it can also be used for operations such as the construction and disassembly of drilling platforms to improve operating efficiency and reduce labor intensity.
  • بناء البنية التحتية: Iraq needs large-scale infrastructure construction during its post-war reconstruction and economic development. LD single-beam bridge cranes can be used to transport and stack construction materials, such as steel bars, concrete components, prefabricated beams, etc. In addition, it can also be used for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure such as bridges, roads, and buildings to improve construction efficiency and quality.
  • الموانئ والخدمات اللوجستية: Iraq's ports and logistics centers are important hubs for international trade and logistics. LD single-beam bridge crane can be used for loading and unloading and transshipment of port cargo, improving the port's throughput capacity and logistics efficiency. At the same time, it can also be used for cargo handling and stacking operations in logistics warehouses to reduce warehouse operating costs.
  • التصنيع: Iraq's manufacturing industry is also growing and developing. LD single-beam bridge cranes can be used for material handling and assembly operations on production lines in the manufacturing industry. Especially in the manufacturing process that requires handling heavy workpieces or bulk materials, such as automobile manufacturing, machinery manufacturing, etc., LD single-beam bridge cranes have significant advantages.

3. Advantages of LD single-beam bridge cranes in Iraq applications

  • وتحسين كفاءة الإنتاج: LD single-beam bridge cranes can quickly and accurately complete various lifting operations and improve production efficiency.
  • Reduce labor intensity: Adopt mechanized operations to reduce the labor intensity of operators and improve work comfort.
  • قوية القدرة على التكيف: LD single-beam bridge cranes can cope with various complex working conditions and harsh environments to ensure smooth operations.
  • آمنة وموثوق بها: Equipped with various safety protection devices to ensure the safety of operations and reduce accident risks.
  • صيانة مريحة: The maintenance of the crane is relatively simple and convenient, reducing maintenance costs and time.

In summary, LD single-girder bridge cranes have broad application prospects and significant advantages in many fields in Iraq. With the continuous development of Iraq's economy and the continuous advancement of infrastructure construction, the application of LD single-girder bridge cranes will be more extensive and in-depth.


QC الكهرومغناطيسية النفقات العامة رافعة للبيع في العراق

QL الكهرومغناطيسية رافعة علوية

QC الكهرومغناطيسية رافعة علوية هو نوع من معدات مناولة المواد ، مجهزة انفصال الكهرومغناطيسية تشاك وما يقابلها من نظام التشغيل التعامل معها و رفع الأجسام المعدنية. رفع قدرة الكهرومغناطيسية رافعة علوية تشمل الوزن الكهرومغناطيسية 5 إلى 32 طن. الطبقة العاملة من الكهرومغناطيسية رافعة A5 وA6. مدة الاحتفاظ بالمغناطيس تتراوح من 10 إلى 30 دقيقة.

QC electromagnetic bridge crane is a lifting equipment designed for heavy service. Its unique working characteristics make it have a wide range of application prospects in many fields in Iraq. The following is a specific analysis of the application fields of QC electromagnetic bridge crane in Iraq and its advantages in these fields:

1. تعمل خصائص الجودة الكهرومغناطيسية جسر الرافعة

  • قوية القدرة الاستيعابية: QC electromagnetic bridge crane is able to lift large capacity loads, usually in the range of 5 tons to 50 tons, suitable for handling heavy materials.
  • آمنة وموثوق بها: It uses electromagnetic suction cups as lifting media, which have strong magnetic force and can firmly adsorb metal materials to ensure safety during handling.
  • Flexible control: Advanced electronic control technology has been introduced to achieve remote intelligent control and improve the working efficiency of the equipment.
  • والاستقرار جيدة: The structure is stable, which can effectively solve the problems of shaking and vibration during transportation, while improving the safety performance of the entire equipment.

2. Application fields of QC electromagnetic bridge crane in Iraq

صناعة النفط والغاز

  • التطبيق: In Iraq's oil and gas industry, QC electromagnetic bridge cranes can be used to carry and stack various heavy equipment and materials, such as drilling equipment, steel pipes, valves, etc. At the same time, it can also be used for operations such as the construction and disassembly of drilling platforms.
  • المميزات: Strong carrying capacity, can easily cope with the handling of heavy materials; safe and reliable, ensuring safety during the operation; flexible control, improving work efficiency.

بناء البنية التحتية

  • التطبيق: In the field of infrastructure construction in Iraq, QC electromagnetic bridge cranes can be used to transport and stack various building materials, such as steel bars, concrete components, prefabricated beams, etc. In addition, it can also be used for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure such as bridges, roads, and buildings.
  • المميزات: High efficiency and shortened construction period; stable structure to ensure safety during construction; strong adaptability and ability to cope with various complex working conditions.

الموانئ والخدمات اللوجستية

  • التطبيق: In Iraq's ports and logistics centers, QC electromagnetic bridge cranes can be used for loading, unloading and transshipping of various metal goods, such as steel, iron plates, etc. At the same time, it can also be used for cargo handling and stacking operations in logistics warehouses.
  • المميزات: The electromagnetic suction cup can firmly absorb metal goods to ensure safety during handling; flexible control to improve work efficiency; easy maintenance and reduce operating costs.

صناعة التعدين

  • التطبيق: In Iraq's mining industry, QC electromagnetic bridge cranes can be used to transport and stack various ores and mineral sands and other materials.
  • المميزات: Strong carrying capacity, able to cope with the handling of heavy materials; stable structure to ensure safety during operation; electromagnetic suction cups can firmly absorb materials such as ores and mineral sands to avoid material scattering and waste.

3. Summary

QC electromagnetic bridge cranes have broad application prospects in Iraq's oil and gas industry, infrastructure construction, ports and logistics, and mining industries. In these fields, this type of crane can significantly improve work efficiency, reduce labor intensity, and ensure safety during operation with its strong carrying capacity, safety and reliability, flexible control, and good stability. With the continuous development of Iraq's economy and the continuous advancement of infrastructure construction, the application of QC electromagnetic bridge cranes will be more extensive and in-depth.


LH مزدوجة العارضة النفقات العامة رافعة للبيع في العراق

LH مزدوجة العارضة الكهربائية رافعة كرين

رافعة كهربائية مزدوجة العارضة النفقات العامة رافعة رافعة علوية مع رافعة كهربائية كما رفع آلية, مع رفع قدرة 5 طن إلى 63 طن المستخدمة في مناولة المواد العامة و رفع. الطبقة العاملة الكهربائية رافعة علوية هو A3 A5.

  • نوع:LH
  • رفع القدرات:5~63t
  • رفع الارتفاع:العمر:8m~32m
  • العمل واجب:A3~A5
  • درجة الحرارة المحيطة:-20~40 ° C

LH double-beam bridge crane is an efficient and reliable lifting equipment. Its unique working characteristics make it have a wide range of application prospects in many fields in Iraq. The following is a specific analysis of the application fields of LH double-beam bridge crane in Iraq and its advantages in these fields:

1. تعمل الخصائص LH مزدوجة شعاع جسر الرافعة

  • بنية بسيطة وسهلة التشغيل: LH double-beam bridge crane adopts double-beam structure, reasonable design, simple and convenient operation, reducing the difficulty and complexity of operation.
  • Smooth operation and strong carrying capacity: The crane has excellent stability and carrying capacity, and can maintain smooth operation even under heavy loads or complex environments, meeting the handling needs of large and heavy materials.
  • Efficient working performance: Equipped with advanced drive mechanism and control system, it can achieve fast and accurate material handling and positioning, and improve production efficiency.
  • مجموعة واسعة من التطبيقات: It has strong adaptability and can be widely used in industrial manufacturing, logistics transportation, construction sites and other fields.
  • Good automation performance: It is easy to use with automation equipment to achieve automatic control and operation, and further improve work efficiency and quality.

2. Application fields of LH double-girder bridge crane in Iraq

صناعة النفط والغاز

  • التطبيق: In Iraq's oil and gas industry, LH double-girder bridge crane can be used to transport and stack various heavy equipment and materials, such as drilling equipment, pipes, valves, etc. At the same time, it can also be used for operations such as the construction and disassembly of drilling platforms.
  • المميزات: Strong carrying capacity, can easily cope with the handling of heavy materials; smooth operation, ensuring safety and stability during the operation process; efficient working performance, improve production efficiency.

بناء البنية التحتية

  • التطبيق: In the field of infrastructure construction in Iraq, LH double-girder bridge crane can be used to transport and stack various construction materials, such as steel bars, concrete components, prefabricated beams, etc. In addition, it can also be used for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure such as bridges, roads, and buildings.
  • المميزات: Simple structure, easy maintenance and operation; strong carrying capacity, meet the handling needs of large construction materials; smooth operation, ensure safety and stability during the construction process.

الموانئ والخدمات اللوجستية

  • التطبيق: In Iraq's ports and logistics centers, LH double-girder bridge cranes can be used for loading and unloading and transshipment of various goods, especially heavy and large goods. At the same time, it can also be used for cargo handling and stacking operations in logistics warehouses.
  • المميزات: Efficient working performance, improving the throughput capacity of ports and logistics centers; good automation performance, realizing fast and accurate handling and positioning of goods; strong carrying capacity, meeting the handling needs of heavy goods.

الصناعة التحويلية

  • التطبيق: In Iraq's manufacturing industry, LH double-beam bridge cranes can be used for material handling and assembly operations on production lines. Especially in the manufacturing process that needs to handle heavy workpieces or bulk materials, such as automobile manufacturing, machinery manufacturing, etc., this crane has significant advantages.
  • المميزات: Easy operation, reducing the labor intensity of operators; smooth operation, ensuring safety and stability in the production process; efficient working performance, improving production efficiency and quality.

3. Summary

LH double-beam bridge cranes have broad application prospects in Iraq's oil and gas industry, infrastructure construction, ports and logistics, and manufacturing industries. In these fields, this type of crane can significantly improve work efficiency, reduce labor intensity and ensure safety during operations with its advantages such as simple structure, easy operation, smooth operation, strong carrying capacity and efficient working performance. With the continuous development of Iraq's economy and the advancement of infrastructure construction, the application of LH double-girder bridge cranes will become more extensive and in-depth.


QD مزدوجة العارضة النفقات العامة رافعة للبيع في العراق

QD نموذج مزدوجة العارضة رافعة علوية

QD double girder overhead crane is composed of bridge, travelling mechanism, trolley, electric equipment. Main girder adopts box welded structure, crane travelling mechanism adopts separate drive, and lifting mechanism is equipped winch. All mechanism are controlled in driver’s cab.

QD نموذج رافعة مزدوجة العارضة النفقات العامة يتم تطبيقها في فتح مستودع أو السكك الحديدية جانبية السلوك الشائعة التحميل والتفريغ مناولة المواد يعمل. بل هو نوع الثقيلة رافعة علوية التي تلبي في كثير من الأحيان باستخدام.

The QD double-girder bridge crane is a powerful and widely used lifting equipment. Its unique working characteristics give it significant advantages in many fields in Iraq. The following is a detailed analysis of the application fields of QD double girder overhead cranes in Iraq and their advantages in these fields:

1. Working characteristics of QD double girder overhead crane

  • Novel structure, safe and reliable: The QD crane bridge adopts box-shaped main beams and is welded by automatic submerged arc welding. The parts are standardized, serialized and universal. The whole machine has a novel structure and good craftsmanship. At the same time, it can set up a second set of safety devices according to needs, further improving safety.
  • Flexible operation and wide vision: The QD crane has longitudinal and lateral movement functions, and the hook can be flexibly taken off and landed vertically. In addition, the control room has a wide view and all mechanisms can be operated in the control room, making the work flexible and comfortable.
  • قوية القدرة الحاملة: QD crane has strong load-bearing capacity and is suitable for handling heavy materials.
  • قوية القدرة على التكيف: The QD crane can not only be used for loading, unloading and transporting ordinary heavy objects, but can also be equipped with a variety of special spreaders for special operations. At the same time, it can also be designed and manufactured according to the span required by users, and has strong adaptability.

2. Application fields of QD double-girder bridge crane in Iraq

صناعة النفط والغاز

  • التطبيق: QD double-girder bridge crane can be used in the oil and gas industry in Iraq for the erection and disassembly of drilling platforms and the transportation of various heavy equipment and materials.
  • المميزات: The strong carrying capacity enables it to easily handle the handling of heavy materials; the structure is novel and safe and reliable, ensuring safety during the operation; the operation is flexible and the vision is broad, improving work efficiency.

بناء البنية التحتية

  • التطبيق: In the field of infrastructure construction in Iraq, QD double-girder bridge cranes can be used for the construction and maintenance of bridges, roads, buildings and other infrastructure, as well as the transportation and stacking of construction materials.
  • المميزات: Strong adaptability, customized design can be carried out according to actual needs; flexible and efficient operation, improving construction speed and quality; safe and reliable structure, ensuring safety during the construction process.

Ports and Logistics

  • التطبيق: In Iraq's ports and logistics centers, QD double-girder bridge cranes can be used to load, unload, and transship a variety of cargo, especially heavy and large cargo.
  • المميزات: strong carrying capacity, meeting the handling needs of heavy goods; flexible and efficient operation, improving the throughput capacity of ports and logistics centers; novel and beautiful structure, improving the overall image.


  • التطبيق: In the manufacturing industry in Iraq, QD double-girder bridge cranes can be used for material handling and assembly operations on production lines, especially in manufacturing processes that require the handling of heavy workpieces or bulk materials.
  • المميزات: The operation is simple and efficient, reducing the labor intensity of the operator; the structure is safe and reliable, ensuring safety during the production process; it is highly adaptable and can be customized according to actual needs.


QY العزل النفقات العامة رافعة للبيع في العراق

QY العزل رافعة علوية

Insulation overhead crane is widely used in smelting workshops of electrolytic nonferrous metal, aluminum and magnesium. This insulation overhead crane is constituted by box-type main girder, crane traveling mechanism, trolley and electrical parts.

لمنع الحالية التي تمر عبر آلية رفع إلى رافعة وتهدد المشغل الحياة ، أجزاء من العزل رافعة علوية محمية من قبل العزل العلاج. العزل رافعة علوية مستوى العمل هي الثقيلة ، حتى رفع الرئيسي مجهزة المزدوج الكبح وذلك لضمان سلامة الإنتاج.

QY insulated bridge crane has wide application potential in many fields in Iraq due to its unique working characteristics. The following is a detailed analysis of the application of QY insulated bridge cranes in Iraq:

1. تعمل خصائص QY معزول جسر الرافعة

  • تصميم العزل: QY insulated bridge crane adopts special insulation design and materials, which can isolate the electrical connection between the crane and power equipment to ensure that there will be no safety hazards caused by grounding in the power operating environment. This feature gives it a significant advantage in the power industry.
  • قدرة تحمل الأحمال الثقيلة: The lifting capacity of QY insulated bridge crane is usually between 5 and 50 tons, which can meet the handling needs of large and heavy materials.
  • دقة التحكم: The crane is equipped with a precise control system, which can achieve precise control of lifting, walking and other actions to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of lifting operations.
  • آمنة وموثوق بها: The crane is equipped with a variety of safety protection devices, such as overload protection, limiters, emergency stopping devices, etc., which can ensure safety and reliability during lifting operations.
  • هيكل مستقر: The crane adopts a bridge structure and has a stable overall frame, which can withstand large lifting loads. The moving mechanism is reasonably designed and can be flexibly moved on different construction sites.
  • حماية البيئة و توفير الطاقة: The crane adopts advanced electrical control system and energy-saving technology, which can effectively utilize power resources, reduce energy consumption, and meet the requirements of modern environmental protection and energy saving.

2. Application of QY insulated bridge crane in Iraq

Electric power industry

  • Power transmission and distribution line construction: During the construction and maintenance of power transmission and distribution lines in Iraq, QY insulated bridge cranes can provide safe and reliable lifting services for the installation, replacement and maintenance of power equipment.
  • Substation construction, operation and maintenance: Substation is an important part of the power system. QY insulated bridge crane can be used for the installation, maintenance and replacement of substation equipment, including the lifting operations of transformers, circuit breakers, isolation switches and other equipment.

Nonferrous metal smelting industry

  • Electrolytic aluminum, magnesium and other smelting workshops: QY insulated bridge cranes are widely used in Iraq's non-ferrous metal smelting industry. It can be used for material handling and loading and unloading operations in electrolytic aluminum, magnesium and other smelting workshops to ensure the smooth progress of the production process.

Wind farm construction and operation and maintenance

  • Wind turbine installation and maintenance: In the construction and operation of wind farms in Iraq, QY insulated bridge cranes can provide lifting services to meet the lifting needs of wind power equipment. It can be used for installation, maintenance and replacement of wind turbines to ensure the normal operation of wind farms.

Other areas

  • المعدات الثقيلة التصنيع و الصيانة: In the heavy equipment manufacturing and maintenance industry in Iraq, QY insulated bridge cranes can be used for the production, assembly and maintenance of various types of heavy equipment to ensure the smooth progress of the production and maintenance process.
  • بناء البنية التحتية: In the field of infrastructure construction in Iraq, such as the construction and maintenance of bridges, roads, buildings and other projects, QY insulated bridge cranes can also be used for the handling and loading and unloading of various heavy materials.

3. Advantages of QY insulated bridge crane used in Iraq

  • Improve operating efficiency: QY insulated bridge crane has the characteristics of heavy load capacity and precise control, which can significantly improve operating efficiency and shorten the construction period.
  • Ensure operation safety: The crane is equipped with a variety of safety protection devices to ensure safety and reliability during lifting operations and reduce the risk of accidents.
  • قوية القدرة على التكيف: The QY insulated bridge crane has a stable structure and reasonable design of the moving mechanism. It can move flexibly in different construction sites and has strong adaptability.
  • حماية البيئة و توفير الطاقة: The crane adopts advanced electrical control system and energy saving technology, which meets the requirements of modern environmental protection and energy saving, helping to reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution.

To sum up, QY insulated bridge crane has broad application prospects and significant advantages in Iraq's power industry, non-ferrous metal smelting industry, wind farm construction and operation and maintenance, and other fields. It can improve operating efficiency, ensure operating safety, is highly adaptable, environmentally friendly and energy-saving, and provides strong support for Iraq's economic development and infrastructure construction.


الأوروبي مزدوجة العارضة النفقات العامة رافعة للبيع في العراق

النمط الأوروبي مزدوجة العارضة رافعة علوية

European double girder overhead crane is the latest version of overhead crane, designed with FEM standards, developed on the base of traditional crane, therefore, European double girder overhead crane has unbeatable advantages, such as, unparalleled performance, tight structure, light dead weight, high safety and reliability, high perform efficiency, and widely applications for various industries.

بسبب مزايا التصميم الأوروبي مزدوجة العارضة رافعة علوية يمكن أن تساعدك على خفض الاستثمار الأولي لمصنع البناء ، وزيادة الإنتاجية وخفض جهود الصيانة اليومية ، والحد من استهلاك الطاقة ، والحصول على أعلى عائد على الاستثمار.

The European double-beam bridge crane has a wide range of application potential in many fields in Iraq due to its unique working characteristics. The following is a specific analysis of the application of European double-beam bridge cranes in Iraq:

1. Working characteristics of European double-beam bridge cranes

  • بنية مدمجة وخفيفة الوزن: The European double-beam crane has a compact structure and light weight, which further reduces the size and weight of the crane, has a small wheel pressure, and a lower height of the whole machine, which further increases the lifting height.
  • Wide application and high efficiency: The distance from the hook to the wall is smaller, and the low clearance can make full use of the plant space to improve production efficiency.
  • سلاسة و لا أثر: With good control technology and high-quality key components, the start-up and operation are smoother, without impact, and the mute effect is better, reducing noise hazards.
  • عملية مريحة وسهلة الصيانة: High degree of automation and flexible operation; adopting unique design concepts, mature manufacturing processes, low failure rate, and convenient maintenance.
  • حماية متعددة, أكثر موثوقية: The use of automation technology for lifting limit, high protection level, good safety guarantee, and reduced operation risks; high-performance brakes adopt dustproof design, can be automatically adjusted, and have a longer service life.
  • Optimized design and excellent performance: the main beam adopts a box-shaped structure to reduce deadweight and wind resistance; the end beam adopts an arc shape to improve rigidity and stability; the crane adopts a high-efficiency electric hoist or open winch to improve the accuracy and safety of the hook position.

2. Application of European double-beam bridge cranes in Iraq

صناعة النفط والغاز

  • Oil refining and natural gas processing: European double-beam bridge cranes can be used for equipment handling and installation in oil refining and natural gas processing plants, such as the lifting and positioning of heavy equipment such as reactors, separators, and compressors.
  • Oil and gas field development and maintenance: In the process of oil and gas field development and maintenance in Iraq, European double-beam bridge cranes can be used for the handling of drilling equipment, equipment replacement in oil well maintenance, and other operations.

بناء البنية التحتية

  • Bridge and road construction: In Iraq's bridge and road construction projects, European double-beam bridge cranes can be used for the lifting of bridge components and the lifting of large pipelines in road construction.
  • مواقع البناء: On construction sites, European double-girder bridge cranes can be used for lifting construction materials, such as steel bars, cement, bricks, etc., as well as lifting construction equipment and formwork.

الموانئ والخدمات اللوجستية

  • Port loading and unloading operations: In Iraqi ports, European double-girder bridge cranes can be used for container loading and unloading, cargo transshipment and other operations, improving the port's throughput capacity.
  • الخدمات اللوجستية والتخزين: In logistics warehousing centers, European double-girder bridge cranes can be used for loading and unloading, stacking and handling of goods, improving warehousing operation efficiency.


  • Heavy equipment manufacturing: In Iraq's heavy equipment manufacturing industry, European double-girder bridge cranes can be used for handling, assembly and commissioning of large parts.
  • Automobile manufacturing: In the process of automobile manufacturing, European double-girder bridge cranes can be used for handling and assembly of heavy parts such as automobile bodies and engines.

Power industry

  • Power station construction and maintenance: In the process of power station construction and maintenance in Iraq, European double-girder bridge cranes can be used for handling, installation and maintenance of power generation equipment.
  • Power line construction: During the power line construction process, European double-girder bridge cranes can be used for operations such as hoisting power towers and laying power cables.


أنواع الرافعات العلوية بيعها إلى العراق

20 طن Ld نموذج كهربائي رافعة علوية مع أحدث التكنولوجيا للبيع في العراق

  • رفع الوزن: 20 طن
  • رفع الارتفاع: 10 متر
  • العمر: 10 متر
  • العمل الجهد: 380/3/50

15 طن Ld نموذج كهربائي رافعة علوية مع Ce ISO المعتمدة للبيع في العراق

  • رفع الوزن: 15 طن
  • رفع الارتفاع: 12 متر
  • العمر: 15 متر
  • العمل الجهد: 380/3/50

32 طن واحدة العارضة النفقات العامة رافعة للبيع في العراق

  • رفع الوزن: 32 طن
  • رفع الارتفاع: 8 متر
  • العمر: 12 متر
  • العمل الجهد: 380/3/50

5 طن الكهربائية رافعة علوية مع تصميم عصري للبيع في العراق

  • رفع الوزن: 5 طن
  • رفع الارتفاع: 7 متر
  • العمر: 10 متر
  • العمل الجهد: 380/3/50

الاستيلاء على دلو النفقات العامة رافعة الجسر خردة النفايات ورفع للبيع في العراق

كيفية تخصيص النفقات العامة رافعة من الصين

نحن رافعة مصنع يقع في الصين ، توفير رافعة خدمات التخصيص العالمية رافعة العملاء. إذا كنت ترغب في تخصيص النفقات العامة رافعة, يمكنك ترك رسالة على الموقع أو البريد الإلكتروني: sales010@cranesdq.comقل لنا المعلومات التالية ، مدير المبيعات لدينا بالاتصال بك:

  • رفع السعة (طن): __ ?( السعة)
  • رفع الارتفاع (م):__ ? (الطول من ربط مركز الأرض)
  • Span (م): __ ? (المسافة بين مركز السكك الحديدية)
  • سرعة رفع (م/دقيقة): __ ? ( مفردة ، مزدوجة ، متغير)
  • السفر المسافة (م): __ ? (طول السكك الحديدية)
  • العمل: __ ? (كم عدد ساعات اليوم ؟ كم مرة ساعة؟)
  • ما المواد التي سيتم رفع: __ ?
  • الصناعية الجهد: __ ? ( مثل :380V, 50Hz, 3ph )

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