المنزلالأخبار → Should You Motorize Your Crane System

Should You Motorize Your Crane System

Crane systems are one of the essentials in the material handling industry. As one of the crane buyers, you need to focus on a number of factors to make the right choice. While buying cranes from a reliable manufacturer, you find the option for motorization. However, what is this motorization, and why do you need it?

Motorization helps your workers to deal with the wireless remote or a travelling pendant to use the crane. But, is motorization important for your needs? Some of us think that the crane capacity is one of the major factors to decide on motorization. You must focus on several other factors, like the system size and application. Although the crane’s lifting capacity maybe 10 tons or more, it may not always need motorization and can be used manually.

When should you motorize your crane system?

  • The load is not manageable with manual operations of your crane: To think of motorization, you must identify your application of the crane. When the load under your hoist is not easy to move manually for the overall size, you may look for the motorization option. Thus, speak to your workers and ask them about the difficulty of moving the system one site to another. While they need too much effort to do it, you can choose the motorized crane system.
  • Presence of obstacles: As the load moves through a path, it must not have obstacles. However, when you find large objects, machines, and racks blocking the path, you need to prefer motorization. The proper motorization enables your workers to get the advantage of the remote control for the movement. Thus, it will be easy to move the load around and over these obstacles. In these scenarios, you may choose motorized gantry cranes or overhead cranes to serve your purpose.
  • Size of your system: You may have already invested in jib cranes or gantry cranes. However, the height of your cranes is one of the relevant factors to invest in motorization. Some cranes have a higher lifting height; in these cases, you can choose your system to have a motorized lifting. In some cases, with the increase of your hoist trolley height, it may not be easy to move the load. When your systems have high clearances, you may choose the motorization option. The ultimate motive is to make your system more ergonomic and user-friendly for your workers.
  • When you have a high lifting height, span or capacity, you must include motorization as a part of your material handling process. Also, you have to inspect the trolley height to make out the weights of your system and load. To say briefly, you must know about the weight and height affecting the movement of the load. Then, you can choose to have motorization for your cranes.

Do you need to motorize your jib cranes?

The application of motorization for jib cranes is not different from what we have discussed above. However, with motorization, you will find some unique advantages from your cranes. There is one point to let jib cranes touch the ground. Conversely, gantry cranes have two legs and four columns. In some instances, it is essential to shift the load to the lower level. However, your workers may not have the strength to do it manually.

You may also need to move the load to closer to the mast of your Jib crane. As there is a lower leverage for moving the load close to the mast, a high level of effort is necessary. To save efforts and time of your workers, you can invest in motorized jib cranes. These motorized systems are user-friendly and enable workers to manage loads without force.

What are the best features of quality cranes?

With a branded material handling system, you will have motorization options. Based on your needs, you can think of motorization. During your first purchase, you might have invested in the manual cranes. However, in due course, you have found the need for motorizing them. That is why the reputed crane manufacturers like Dongqi present you with special motorization options.

As you might be using a jib crane, you have to work with its tip. Its jib boom gives you a chance of moving the load with manual efforts. However, the level of this leverage is not effective for every case. Thus, you can take time to decide on the motorization package offered by the best crane companies in الهند.

Now, to conclude, we need to say that you must give value to ergonomics and safety of your workers. That is why manufacturing and construction sectors of our country have focused on the use of motorized cranes to lift loads. A simple inclusion of motorized systems to the cranes will give the best value to your workers. You can start identifying your load lifting needs to make a deal.

While buying cranes, you may consult with our sales team to learn about the motorization packages. Based on the information, you can make the right decision.

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