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Working Over Water And Lifting Equipment

Any and all potential areas in which one plans to lift ANY object or load over water should always be properly risk assessed and appropriate safety measures identified and taken. Following are a few s[…]

Top 10 Safety Tips For Working With Marine Cranes And Derricks On The Water

Working on the water can amplify the amount of risk one takes when operating a Crane or Derrick. The possibility for a sudden burst of wind or the wake from a passing vessel can suddenly cause the bar[…]

Responsibilities of crane employer

Employers who operate cranes on a Marine Construction site are responsible for complying with all aspects of the standard, but other employers whose personnel work at the site have responsibilities as[…]

5 Key Questions for Developing a Sound Lift Plan

As construction projects become more complex and the demand for lifting larger loads grows, the size of cranes and the complexity of lifts increases. Experience alone may not be enough to operate cran[…]

Going Beyond OSHA’s Minimum Standards for Crane Safety

Now that the much anticipated OSHA crane operator evaluation requirements are finalized, many companies are once again focused on crane operators. While determining how your company will meet these co[…]

Crane Safety Tips for Wind Farm Construction and Maintenance

An overturned crane at a wind farm site can lead to project delays and unanticipated costs. In addition to crane damage, there could be damage to wind turbine components, potentially disrupting operat[…]

Dongqi Crane & Equipment Customizes Equipment and Tools for Special Applications.

Pictured below is a Grapple made of stainless steel specifically for the nuclear industry. This grapple will be used to move canisters that hold low and high level nuclear waste (sometimes called “[…]

Overhead crane for Die Handling Applications

Dongqi Crane & Equipment Corp. designs and fabricates high-capacity crane and hoist systems for continuous, robust service in some of the world’s most demanding environments; our machines can be[…]

How Temperature Is Affecting Your Crane

When selecting cranes or hoist equipment for use in outdoor environments, it’s important to choose high-quality, reliable solutions that will be able to withstand extreme temperatures and various we[…]

2 Ton Stacker Crane for Warehouse

2 Ton Stacker Crane for Warehouse introduction INDUSTRY: General APPLICATION: Warehousing and Shipping/Receiving PRODUCT: 2 Ton Stacker Crane SERVICES: Design, Manufacture, Installation, Quality/L[…]

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