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Mechanical upgrades extend life of crane

The useful life of mechanical parts such as wheels, gears, bearings, etc. is in excess of 20 years. However, even the availability of spare parts after 10 to 15 years can be problematic. Upgrading old[…]

Control technology has revolutionized crane performance

While technological advancements have significantly improved the structural and mechanical portions of an overhead crane, the process has been more evolutionary than revolutionary. What has changed dr[…]

AC crane control modernizations

Perhaps no other technological development in the past 30 years has done more to revolutionize overhead crane design than the AC Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). Today’s Variable Frequency Controls a[…]

DC crane control modernization

Many find themselves today with aging overhead cranes, originally designed to perform and survive in the tough environments of steel and manufacturing plants but operating with the previous generation[…]

Why use remote control to upgrade your crane

The trend in the industry today is to operate overhead cranes from the floor rather than from a traveling operator’s cab, or in many instances, have an option for controlling the crane from either l[…]

Fall Protection for Overhead Crane Operators and Service Providers

Fatalities and serious injuries can occur if proper fall protection is not used while servicing or climbing on an overhead crane. These hazards can be reduced by observing fall protection safety measu[…]

Overhead crane safety tips card general tips

Fatalities or serious injuries can occur if overhead cranes are not inspected and properly used. Fatalities may occur when workers are struck by a load, or pinched between the load and another object.[…]

Overhead crane safety tips card Operating the Crane and Moving the Load

Fatalities or serious injuries can occur if overhead cranes are not inspected and properly used. Fatalities may occur when workers are struck by a load, or pinched between the load and another object.[…]

How to operate overhead crane accurately

No matter single girder or double girder overhead crane, they are used frequently in the workshop and factory. So how to operate overhead crane accurately becomes a question and need us to pay attenti[…]

KBK extending cranes

Large overhang – constant or variable Loads can also be moved beyond the crane runway using overhung and extending cranes from our KBK light crane system. These solutions offer greater room to manoe[…]

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