Data statistics of overhead cranes imported from China by the Mongolia in November 2022

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Data statistics of overhead cranes imported from China by the Mongolia in November 2022

Statistics on the amount of overhead cranes imported from China by the Mongolia

According to Chinese customs data, from January 2022 to November 2022, Mongolia imported overhead cranes from China worth 852150.00 US dollars, a decrease of 225000 US dollars over the same period of 2021 and a decrease of 20.89% over the same period of 2021

Comparison of the amount of overhead cranes imported from China by the Mongolia from January to November in 2022 and 2021

Comparison of the amount of overhead cranes imported from China by the Mongolia from January to November in 2022 and 2021

Comparison of the amount of overhead cranes imported by the Mongolia in eleven months of 2022 and 2021

2021 2022
3 50510.00
4 3652.00 257042.00
5 49016.00 44247.00
6 92719.00
7 27863.00
8 69874.00 160500.00
9 30050.00 229339.00
10 896770.00 10338.00
11 7455.00
Total 1077225.00 852150.00

(Unit: USD)

Statistics on the number of overhead cranes imported from China by the Mongolia

According to Chinese customs data, from January 2022 to November 2022, Mongolia imported 45 sets of overhead cranes from China, an increase of 30 sets over the same period in 2021 and an increase of 200.00% over the same period in 2021

Comparison of the number of overhead cranes imported from China by the Mongolia from January to November in 2022 and 2021

Comparison of the number of overhead cranes imported from China by the Mongolia from January to November in 2022 and 2021

Comparison of quantity of overhead cranes imported by the Mongolia in eleven months of 2022 and 2021

2021 2022
3 8
4 1 14
5 2 2
6 3
7 1
8 6 1
9 3 9
10 2 3
11 5
Total 15 45

How to customize crane from China

We are a crane manufacturer located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a crane, you can leave a message on the website or Email:, tell us the following information, and our sales manager will contact you:

  • Lifting capacity (ton): __ ?( The rated capacity)
  • Lifting height (m):__ ? (Height from hook center to the floor)
  • Span (m): __ ? (Distance between rail center)
  • Lifting speed (m/min): __ ? ( Single, Dual, Variable)
  • Traveling distance (m): __ ? (The length of the rail)
  • Work duty: __ ? (How many hours a day? How many times an hour?)
  • What material to be lifted: __ ?
  • Industrial voltage: __ ? ( like :380V, 50Hz, 3ph )

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