30 sets of crane collectors sent to Pakistan

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30 sets of crane collectors sent to Pakistan

One customer from Pakistán purchased 30 sets of crane collectors in 2019. The current collector is one of the main devices for collecting electric energy on the collecting side of the sliding contact line system. It conducts the electric energy directly to the consumer through the sliding contact between the collecting brush and the guide rail, thus realizing the mobile power supply of the system.

The current collector is composed of a tension device of the mechanical structure and a current collector brush directly in sliding contact with the guide rail. The tension device of the mechanical structure determines the sliding contact pressure of the current collector brush and the guide rail and the stability of the mechanism.

The collector brush is the conductor of the guide rail sliding contact to pick up electric energy. Its performance, conductive quality and material structure will directly affect the safe operation quality of the whole system equipment. Therefore, the collector is one of the most important components in the whole sliding line system

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