Inicio → Industries

Industria de pulpa y papel

The pulp and paper industry is one of the important industries in the national economy, and it is also an important raw material and processing industry in the papermaking industry. The efficiency of […]

Petróleo y gas

The petrochemical industry is a crucial sector in modern industry, profoundly influencing global economics and manufacturing processes. Within this industry, cranes are absolutely essential, serving a[…]

Industria minera

Dongqi Crane has extensive experience in providing customized cranes for complex working environments, and has a deep understanding of the harsh conditions that can harm crane safety in the mining ind[…]

Industria metalúrgica

As crane experts in the metal smelting industry, we understand the complexity and high risks of the metal smelting process. In this industry, large quantities of high-temperature metals, molten materi[…]

Industria energética

As a company with profound technological accumulation, Dongqi Crane has always been at the forefront of crane technology. We are driven by innovation, constantly developing and launching material hand[…]

Fabricación general

In the manufacturing industry, items such as raw materials, components, and semi-finished products have a large mass and weight and require the use of cranes for handling. The crane can easily complet[…]

Industria del automóvil

Among various industries, the booming development of the automobile industry has brought new development opportunities to the crane industry. In the process of supplying various types of cranes to the[…]

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