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How to find the right parts for your crane? Lean more about crane parts and components from Dongqi crane.

The parts of a crane may define the quality of the crane. Before purchasing an crane, one thing you need to confirm with the crane manufacturer about the crane parts in terms of its quality and suppliers. And also, for used overhead cranes gantry crane, jib crane, crane modernization is necessary.

Requisitos técnicos de seguridad para los esparcidores de grúa

As an indispensable equipment in modern industry, the safety and technical requirements of lifting machine spreaders are directly related to the safety and efficiency of production operations. The spr[…]

Manual de diseño del carrito de 15 toneladas de la grúa

In the field of modern industry and construction, cranes are used as important material handling equipment, and their performance and design are directly related to productivity and safety. This desig[…]

Código de prácticas para la seguridad de aparatos elevadores magnéticos

As an indispensable equipment in modern industry, the safety of magnetic lifting device is directly related to the efficient operation of production operations and personnel safety. These devices by v[…]

Diseño de estructura de viga colgante giratoria electromagnética para grúa aérea

The electromagnetic rotating hanging beam of overhead crane is an efficient and flexible lifting equipment, widely used for lifting and transporting large-sized items such as steel plates and steel bi[…]

Directrices técnicas para equipos de carga y descarga de contenedores

In the modern logistics transportation system, container spreader and loading and unloading devices play a crucial role. They are not only a key tool for ensuring the safe and efficient transportation[…]

Dongqi Grúa de Suministro LD 5 toneladas de una sola viga del puente grúa proyecto para la fábrica de prendas de vestir en Filipinas

1. Project background and deepening of demand analysis With the increase of international orders, the original production model and logistics system of this garment factory in the Philippines are faci[…]

En el 2023, 2 individuales cuerda de suspensión agarra fueron vendidos a Nigeria

Single rope suspension grab procurement parameters In 2023, we provided a Nigerian customer with 2 single rope suspension grabs with a capacity of 0.5 cubic meters and model ZX5. The order started pro[…]

ZD serie de especificaciones del motor, los modelos, parámetros técnicos, estructura

ZD1 conical rotor brake three-phase asynchronous motor, ZD series conical rotor brake three-phase asynchronous motor conical rotor brake asynchronous motor is divided into lifting motor and running mo[…]

Suministro de cucharas electrohidráulicas e imanes redondos a un cliente de Arabia Saudita

In December 2023, we signed a contract with a Saudi Arabian customer to purchase an electric hydraulic grab and a round electromagnet. The hydraulic grab can grab 1 cubic meter of material, and the el[…]

Venta de grúas de pórtico a los constructores de yates

When selling gantry cranes to yacht manufacturers, we need to pay attention to the yacht manufacturers’ special needs and industry characteristics to ensure that the gantry cranes provided can m[…]

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