InicioLos casosEléctrico de la grúa de los casos → Electric chain hoists for the food industry are sold from China to Mexico

Los polipastos eléctricos de cadena para la industria de alimentos se venden desde China a México

Due to the special nature of the food processing industry, the electric hoist and other equipment used in the industry need special treatment. For example, the lubricating oil used should be such that it will not cause harm to the human body even if it is accidentally eaten, and the main components should be designed to be dust-proof and so on. The food processing industry has very strict requirements for oil pollution and dust treatment, and not every crane manufacturer can produce it. Dongqi De La Grúa is one of the manufacturers that can manufacture cranes that meet the standards of the food processing industry.

We recently completed an order for an electric chain hoist from México, and now we will share this case with you.


After communicating via e-mail, we learned that the customer is a dairy processing plant and needs a Electric Chain Hoist 500kg used for handling “big bags” containing powdered ingredients in the production process of ultra-high-temperature processed milk, milk powder and cream in Mexico. In addition, 500kg manual hoist are used in the equipment maintenance of the production line.

At this dairy factory where quality as well as mass production are required, the customer needed food grade chain hoist that can be operated efficiently without unnecessary halts or pauses. The electric chain hoist provided by Dongqi crane reduces the load swing during lifting, which allows for smooth operation, and the enclosed cooling fan constantly cools down the hoist motor during operation, which is ideal for frequent operation of the hoist.

El otro eléctrico de la grúa casos en México

Cómo personalizar eléctrico de la grúa en México

Somos un fabricante de grúas encuentra en China, proporcionando grúa servicios de personalización global de la grúa clientes. Si desea personalizar un eléctrico de la grúa, usted puede dejar un mensaje en el sitio web o por Correo electrónico:, nos diga la siguiente información, y nuestro gerente de ventas se pondrá en contacto con usted:

  • La capacidad de carga, altura de elevación;
  • La suspensión de gancho, orientado carro, carro motorizado);
  • Los tipos de control;
  • El ciclo de trabajo de la grúa de la velocidad, la velocidad del carro, y el tamaño del haz;
  • La aplicación, lo que los materiales a ser levantado.

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