France Overhead Cranes Market Size Analysis, Forecast, Trends in 2022

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France Overhead Cranes Market Size Analysis, Forecast, Trends in 2022

As a major European country, Francia has good economic and trade ties with China. Under the influence of the COVID-19 epidemic, Sino-French economic and trade imports and exports in the first half of 2021 increased by US$11,179.825 million compared with the same period in 2020, a year-on-year increase of 39%. However, for Dongqi De La Grúa, the sales volume in the French crane market is very gloomy, with only 2 cooperation projects. On the one hand, there are many well-known crane brands in Europe, and on the other hand, due to the skyrocketing sea freight costs brought about by the epidemic, the cost performance of Chinese cranes has been greatly reduced. Even so, we still have strong confidence in the European market, and the research on the French crane market will help us to open up the local market.

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French overhead crane market size

In 2020, the French Overhead Crane Market fell sharply to X dollars, down -X% from the previous year. Consumption dropped sharply during the period under review. The growth rate was most pronounced in 2016, with a year-on-year increase of X%. As a result, spending reached the highest level of X dollars. From 2017 to 2020, the market growth rate remained at a low level.

In value terms, the production of overhead cranes fell sharply in 2020 to $2020 (estimated at export prices). Production continued to decline significantly during the period under review. In 2009, the growth rate was the fastest, and the output increased by X% year-on-year. As a result, production reached a peak level of X dollars. From 2010 to 2020, the output growth rate remained at a low level.

40 ton Overhead Crane Fast motion Installation & Test

The export scale of French overhead cranes

In 2020, after two years of growth, overseas shipments of fixed-support overhead cranes fell significantly, with sales falling -X% to X units. Overall, however, exports continued to grow significantly. The most significant growth rate occurred in 2013, when exports increased by X% year-on-year. Exports peaked at X units in 2014; however, from 2015 to 2020, exports have remained low.

In value terms, 2020 overhead crane exports fell sharply to $X. During the review period, however, exports slumped abruptly. The most significant growth rate occurred in 2011, which was an X% increase compared to the previous year. Exports peaked at $X in 2014; however, from 2015 to 2020, exports failed to regain momentum.

Bélgica (X units) is the main destination for French bridge crane exports, accounting for X% of total exports. In addition, three times as many overhead cranes were exported to Belgium as to Marruecos (X units), the second main destination. Alemania (X units) ranks third with X% of total exports. From 2007 to 2020, the average annual growth rate of freight traffic to Belgium reached +X%. Exports to other major destinations recorded the following average annual export growth rates: Morocco (+X% per annum) and Germany (+X% per annum).

In value terms, Belgium ($X) emerged as the main foreign market for French bridge crane exports, accounting for X% of total exports. In second place is Morocco ($X) with X% of total exports. It is followed by Azerbaiyán with an X% share.

From 2007 to 2020, the value to Belgium has grown at an average annual rate of +X%. Exports to other major destinations recorded the following average annual export growth rates: Morocco (+X% per annum) and Azerbaijan (+X% per annum).

Driving an overhead crane

French overhead crane import scale

In 2020, overseas purchases of fixed-support overhead cranes increased by X% to X units for the first time since 2016, ending a three-year downward trend. Overall, however, imports continued to show a clear downward trend. The most significant growth rate occurred in 2016, with a year-on-year increase of X%. As a result, imports peaked at X units. Import growth remained low between 2017 and 2020.

Overhead crane imports surged to $X in 2020 by value. But overall, imports continued to show a relatively stable trend pattern. The most significant growth rate occurred in 2012, with an X% year-on-year increase. Imports peaked at $X in 2009; however, from 2010 to 2020, import volumes have remained low.

In 2020, Italia (X units) was the largest supplier of overhead cranes in France, accounting for X% of total imports. In addition, the number of overhead cranes imported from Italy was seven times higher than the number recorded by the second largest supplier, Germany (X units). Austria (X units) ranks third in terms of total imports with a share of X%.

From 2007 to 2020, the average annual growth rate of sales in Italy totaled +X%. The average annual growth rates of imports for the remaining supplier countries are as follows: Germany (-X% per annum) and Austria (+X% per annum).

By value, France's largest suppliers of overhead cranes are Germany ($X), Italy ($X) and España ($X), which together account for X% of total imports. This was followed by Austria, the Czech Republic and Dinamarca, which recorded record import value growth rates among the major suppliers during the period under review, while purchases from other countries saw a more moderate pace of growth.

Cómo personalizar la Grúa de arriba de China

Somos un fabricante de grúas encuentra en China, proporcionando grúa servicios de personalización global de la grúa clientes. Si desea personalizar una Grúa, usted puede dejar un mensaje en el sitio web o por correo electrónico, nos diga la siguiente información, y nuestro gerente de ventas se pondrá en contacto con usted:

  • Capacidad de elevación (ton): __ ?( La capacidad nominal)
  • Altura de elevación (m):__ ? (Altura de gancho de centro para la planta)
  • Span (m): __ ? (La distancia entre el centro del ferrocarril)
  • Velocidad de elevación (m/min): __ ? ( Simple, Doble, Variable)
  • La distancia de desplazamiento (m): __ ? (La longitud del carril)
  • El trabajo deber: __ ? (¿Cuántas horas al día? Cuántas veces en una hora?)
  • ¿De qué material a ser levantado: __ ?
  • Industrial de tensión: __ ? ( como :380V, 50Hz, 3ph )

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