Accueil → Grue de portique

Des grues à portique sont largement utilisés lorsque la levée est nécessaire, sans le coût d'un bâtiment ou d'appui en acier de travail. Les grues de portique peut être placé à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur, utilisé pour des activités en acier stock yards, pré-coulé segment mètres, la construction de sites de plein air et d'autres applications.

Dongqi Grue peut fournir une gamme complète de grues à portique, c'est à dire plein de grues portiques, semi-portiques et portable des grues à portique, y compris d'une seule poutre, double poutre, une seule jambe, deux jambes, et cantilever styles à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur du service. Les capacités, les intervalles de hauteurs peuvent être personnalisés.

Gantry cranes sold from China to Qatar

Data from China Customs shows that in 2021 Qatar imported gantry cranes from China worth $133,000, compared with $147,000 in 2020. In terms of import quantity, Qatar will import 6 sets of gantry crane[…]

Gantry cranes are sold from China to the Czech Republic

Data from China Customs shows that in 2021 the Czech Republic imported gantry cranes from China worth $1.288 million, compared with 0 in 2020. In terms of import quantity, the Czech Republic will impo[…]

Gantry cranes sold from China to Ghana

Data from China Customs shows that in 2021, Ghana imported gantry cranes from China worth $427,000, compared with $148,000 in 2020. In terms of import quantity, a total of 43 sets of gantry cranes wil[…]

Gantry cranes sold from China to Sri Lanka

According to the data from China Customs, Sri Lanka imported gantry cranes from China in 2021 worth $1.331 million, which was $1.126 million compared with 2020, an increase of 18.2%. In terms of impor[…]

Gantry cranes are sold from China to Kazakhstan

Data from China Customs shows that in 2021, Kazakhstan imports gantry cranes from China worth 321,000 US dollars, compared with 2020, this data is 247,000 US dollars. In terms of import quantity, Kaza[…]

Grue à portique monopoutre de 5 tonnes à vendre au Sri Lanka

We have completed the installation project of a single girder gantry crane in Sri Lanka. This is a 5 ton gantry crane, which is sent from Qingdao port, China to Colombo, Sri Lanka. The main beam of th[…]

10 tonnes de Type Européen monopoutre Grue de Portique pour la vente aux Philippines

We fulfilled 1 order for single girder gantry crane from the Philippines. This is a 10 ton gantry crane, the model is European style, we ship from Qingdao port to Manila, Philippines. European-spec Si[…]

Gantry cranes sold from China to Iraq

Data from China Customs shows that Iraqi imports of gantry cranes from China are worth $126,000 in 2021, compared with $172,000 in 2020. In terms of import quantity, a total of 8 sets of gantry cranes[…]

15 ton European-spec Single Girder Gantry Crane for sale to Australia

Gantry crane 1 Ton Gantry Crane 2 Ton Gantry Crane 3 Ton Gantry Crane 5 Ton Gantry Crane 10 Ton Gantry Crane 15 Ton Gantry Crane 20 Ton Gantry Crane 30 Ton Gantry Crane Customed Gantry Crane We have c[…]

Gantry cranes are sold to Kenya from China

According to the data from Chinese customs, Kenya imported 164000 US dollars worth of gantry cranes from China in 2021. Compared with 2020, this figure is $2.483 million. In terms of import quantity, […]

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