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What parts of the grab crane are inspected and maintained daily

As a large-scale machinery and equipment, the crane is very important for daily maintenance. In order to ensure the safe operation of the equipment during the operation, the grab crane equipment must […]

How to operate overhead crane accurately

No matter single girder or double girder overhead crane, they are used frequently in the workshop and factory. So how to operate overhead crane accurately becomes a question and need us to pay attenti[…]

Safety inspections that must be done before the terminal crane is used

The safe operation and use of terminal cranes is the top priority. Therefore, we must strictly pay attention to the details and specifications from the initial installation steps. Among them, there ar[…]

Crane duty classifications of cranes

Crane duty classification is divided into A1-A8 level. If compare with crane work type China’s regulations in the past, roughly equivalent to: A1-A4 light; A5-A6 middle; A7 heavy; A8 extra heavy. Th[…]

Crane load condition

Load condition indicates that the degree of the crane load, related to two factors, Namely the ratio of hoisting of the load and the rated load Pi/Pmax, and the ratio of the role of various hoisting l[…]

Crane duty classifications of China

Crane use level shows that the crane used frequently during the entire design life, According to the design life period general work cycle number N is divided into ten levels (see table 1). Table 1: C[…]

Crane duty classifications of USA

There are six (6) different classifications for overhead cranes, specified by the Crane Manufacturers Association of America (CMAA). Overhead crane duty classification were established so that the ma[…]

Factors affect crane duty classification

To select the suitable crane duty class or service class for your crane is very important for it will affect your initial investment and your future maintenance cost required. How to select the crane […]

Why do you need to confirm crane duty classification when crane buying?

To identify the duty classification of the types of overhead crane helps you to buy the most suitable overhead cranes for you application, which will be the most economical solution for your applicati[…]

Crane duty classification

What is crane duty classification? Crane duty classification is according to the grades of crane use and crane load condition. Classification principle is in the load, the frequency of different case[…]

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