O’Brien seeks Metreel distributors in parts of the US and Canada

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O’Brien seeks Metreel distributors in parts of the US and Canada

When Metreel and O’Brien formed the partnership in March, initial plans were to introduce the Met-Track system in Canada from British Columbia to Newfoundland, where O’Brien says there are very few light rail dealers, but the company has expanded distribution to include selected US states.

O’Brien says that dealers offering products from what it refers to as “North Amérique’s original enclosed track profile company” will be able to provide clients with a standard five-year warranty on most crane enclosed track systems and an easy-to-use online configuration website, in addition to access to O’Brien’s large inventories in Canada.

The Canadian fabricant de la grue has adopted Metreel’s Met-Track product line and will be involved in the assembly and manufacturing of components shipped from the Royaume-UNI and Texas.

Chirs Bladek, marketing manager at O’Brien says: “The cranes will be produced in our new Burlington facility utilising our increased capacity. This product expansion will allow us to offer a complete package of solutions including grues de potence, enclosed track systems, crane kits and components.”

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