AccueilCas De La Galerie → Two sets of CD type 5t electric wire rope hoists are sold to Pakistan

Deux ensembles de CD type 5t palans électriques sont vendus au Pakistan

This is the order of electric hoist from Pakistan in 2020. The customer has customized 2 sets of CD type 5t electric wire rope hoists from our crane factory. The atlas shows some details of the order in the factory, including the detailed parameters of the electric hoist. If you want to know more about the details of electric wire rope hoist, you can contactez-nous.

The wire rope electric hoist is a small lifting equipment with the advantages of compact structure, light weight, small volume, strong universality of parts, convenient operation, etc. It is mainly used for various lifting, hauling, loading and unloading of heavy objects, upside down welding of oil tanks, such as the installation and movement of various large and medium-sized concrete, steel structures and mechanical equipment. It is suitable for civil construction engineering and bridge construction of construction and installation companies, factories and mines, power, ships, automobile manufacturing, construction Mechanical equipment for infrastructure construction projects such as highways, bridges, metallurgy, mines, side slope tunnels, shaft treatment and protection.

L'autre électrique palan cas au Pakistan

Comment personnaliser palan au Pakistan

We are a crane manufacturer located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a wire rope hoist, you can leave a message on the website or E-mail:, dites-nous les informations suivantes, et notre directeur des ventes communiquera avec vous:

  • La capacité de Levage, hauteur de levage;
  • La tension ou la puissance d'alimentation (monophasé ou 3-phase de levage);
  • La suspension (crochet, orientée chariot, chariot motorisé);
  • Les types de contrôle;
  • Le cycle de service, palan à vitesse, chariot de vitesse, et de la taille du faisceau;
  • Applications, matériaux à soulever.

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