HomeGantry crane → 10 Ton Gantry Crane for Sale Price - Single Girder L Type

10 Ton Gantry Crane for Sale Price - Single Girder L Type

10 Ton Gantry Crane for Sale Price (Single Girder L Tyoe) $14,200 dan naik.

Gantry Crane Tipe L

This price includes only the price of equipment, you need to provide the span, lifting height, as well as on both sides of whether the boom, fill the bottom and immediately get a specific quote for free. 10 Ton Gantry Crane supporting power lines and tracks, as well as transportation, installation program, you need to use the following table provides the crane location, environment and run length, gives you a free detailed program and quotation immediately.

10 Ton Gantry Crane Price for Sale is cheap. Because of small gantry crane tonnage, different with 40 ton and above Rail Mounted Gantry Crane Design Specifications. 10 Ton Gantry Crane generally are electric hoist gantry cranes, take electric wire rope hoist as main hoisting mechanism, simple structure and practical, high quality and reliable, which is track operation small and medium size lifting equipment, working class A4, suitable for middle and light intensity working demands.

10 Ton Gantry Crane, can be divided into L-type and A-type hoist gantry crane according to the leg shape. 10 Ton Gantry Crane design with light weight, simple mechanism, easy to operation, widely used in docks, freight yard, warehouses, construction sites and other conditions.

10 Ton Gantry Crane working-level is A4, generally used for outdoor work, the crane and trolley lifting mechanism both set with rain cover.

Explanation on the selling price of 10 ton gantry crane - single beam L type

If you expect to purchase a L type 10 ton gantry crane balok tunggal, the final cost you may incur may include the following:

  • Harga gantry crane itu sendiri: Ini termasuk biaya fasilitas perangkat keras seperti struktur utama, rel, alat pengangkat, dan keranjang gantry crane.
  • Biaya pemasangan: Pemasangan gantry crane membutuhkan tenaga profesional, sehingga biaya pemasangan tertentu mungkin perlu dibayar.
  • Biaya transportasi: Setelah membeli gantry crane, perlu diangkut dari pabrik ke tujuan, sehingga sejumlah biaya transportasi mungkin perlu dibayar.
  • Pajak dan biaya: Menurut kebijakan pajak nasional yang relevan, pajak dan biaya tertentu mungkin perlu dibayar.

Perlu dicatat bahwa komposisi harga spesifik dapat bervariasi tergantung pada faktor-faktor seperti wilayah, merek, model, dll. Kami menyarankan Anda berkonsultasi dan mengonfirmasi dengan produsen atau penjual secara detail sebelum membeli.

Harga Gantry Crane Lainnya

Cara menyesuaikan gantry crane dari Cina

Kami adalah produsen derek yang berlokasi di Cina, menyediakan layanan penyesuaian derek kepada pelanggan derek global. Jika Anda ingin menyesuaikan gantry crane, Anda dapat meninggalkan pesan di situs web atau Email: sales010@cranesdq.com, beri tahu kami informasi berikut, dan manajer penjualan kami akan menghubungi Anda:

  • Kapasitas angkat (ton):__?(Kapasitas terukur)
  • Tinggi angkat (m):__? (Tinggi dari pusat pengait ke lantai)
  • Rentang (m):__? (Jarak antara pusat rel)
  • Kecepatan angkat (m / mnt):__? (Tunggal, Ganda, Variabel)
  • Jarak tempuh (m):__? (Panjang rel)
  • Tugas kerja:__? (Berapa jam sehari? Berapa kali dalam satu jam?)
  • Bahan apa yang akan diangkat:__?
  • Tegangan industri:__? ( seperti: 380V, 50Hz, 3ph )

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