HomeKasusKasus kerekan listrik → 5 tons of electric hoist exported to Ethiopia for meat processing plant

5 tons of electric hoist exported to Ethiopia for meat processing plant

Recently, the construction progress of 8 new export-oriented slaughterhouses in Ethiopia has reached 50%, and the investment cost of each has exceeded 200 million birr. In the past six months, Ethiopia has exported a total of 10,000 tons of processed meat products and 800 tons of feed, an increase of about 4,000 tons year-on-year, generating a revenue of US$50 million. In the process of meat processing and transfer, workshops rely more and more on lifting equipment. Dongqi supplied a 5 ton electric hoist to a meat processing plant in Ethiopia.

Main parameters of electric hoist

  • Berat angkat: 5 ton
  • Tinggi angkat: 5 meter
  • Tegangan: 380/3/50
  • Cart running speed: 20 m/min

5 ton wire rope hoist for sale Ethiopia

Cara menyesuaikan kerekan listrik dari China

We are a crane manufacturer located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a electric hoist, you can leave a message on the website or email, tell us the following information, and our sales manager will contact you:

  • Kapasitas angkat, tinggi angkat;
  • Tegangan atau catu daya (kerekan fase tunggal atau 3 fase);
  • Suspensi (kait, troli roda gigi, troli bermotor);
  • Jenis kontrol;
  • Siklus kerja, kecepatan kerekan, kecepatan troli, dan ukuran balok;
  • Aplikasinya, bahan apa yang akan diangkat.

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