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6 Crane Attachment Parts to Start Using Today

Cranes can come in handy in a construction site. Learn more about these six construction crane attachments for efficiency and convenience.


Construction companies rely on heavy-duty equipment to facilitate their work. The construction industry generates $1 trillion worth of buildings and structures each year.

To fulfill the demand, all of the equipment used needs to be efficient and reliable.

When dealing with a construction crane, you must ensure you have the right attachments. In this article, we will discuss the six accessories you can’t be without.

1. Counterweights

As far as construction cranes attachment goes, you need to invest in a counterweight. The counterweights help prevent the crane from toppling over.

The last thing you want during your construction project is for the crane to topple over and hurt an employee or delay the day’s work.

Counterweights might not be necessary for every project, so having detachable weights will give the crane multi uses.

This attachment is available for loader cranes, on-site cranes, truck-mounted cranes, and even overhead cranes.

2. Rotex Gear

Known as the joystick, the Rotex gear can be found in the cabin where the operator can have easy access to it.

The Rotex gear attachment rotates the boom either in a counter-clockwise direction or clockwise. Cranes rely on this attachment to help the operator place the load on the right spot.

3. Outriggers

Cranes that carry heavy loads, need to not only pick them up, but they also need to carry them to a new destination. Cranes will need to carry the load to different terrains.

Outriggers will help the crane maintain the stability of the crane when transporting it from one place to the other while maintaining stability.

If the terrain is rocky, without the outrigger, the crane might have difficulty transporting the load.

4. Boom

The boom is a hook that’s located above the main cabin. This attachment is necessary since it can take heavy pieces and lowers them to the ground from a certain height.

Booms come in lattice booms and telescopic booms and are capable of changing directions accordingly.

When the project requires the crane to reach great heights, a telescopic boom is the right attachment to use. Crane operators use lattice booms when they need to work in a small narrow space.

The right boom will minimize crane repair.

5. Hydraulic Pump

If you plan to use a boom or other attachments, the hydraulic pump is a must. The hydraulic pump eases how the boom moves within the crane.

A foot throttle takes care of controlling the amount of pressure the operator uses on the hydraulic pump applied to the boom.

The operator can increase or decrease pressure when lowering objects.

6. Jib

You cannot attach a boom to the crane without a Jib — it’s part of the boom. The operator can use the jib to move the telescope or the boom.

In case of working with extra heights, the jib helps the crane get the job done.

Get These Construction Crane Attachments

A construction crane is necessary to perform many projects and deliver to clients. Having the right attachments can facilitate the work. Consider getting a jib, hydraulic pump, boom, and Rotex gear to attach to a crane.

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