RumahBerita → Crane pendant wire rope

Crane pendant wire rope

The use of crane cable reel power supply should be prevented during the movement of the crane cable was worn, the diameter of not more than 21.5mm crane cable, crane cable drum diameter should be at least 10 times the crane cable diameter; for the diameter of more than 21.5mm crane cable, The crane cable drum diameter should be at least 12.5 times the crane cable diameter.The crane cable reel shall be capable of automatically winding the crane cable.

The drive torque of the crane cable reel shall be not less than the maximum winding torque required for the winding crane cable. In the process of crane cable laying, the traction force acting on the crane cable conductor should be as small as possible. For crane cables with no reinforcement core, the maximum allowable tension on the copper conductor cross-section is 20N / mm2. For crane cable winding speed or crane cable weight Heavier, should be added to withstand the required traction to strengthen the wire rope for the core.

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