RumahBerita → Inspection Items for Overhead Cranes in Regular Service

Inspection Items for Overhead Cranes in Regular Service

The inspection procedure for cranes in regular service (operating at least one time per month) is divided into two general classifications based upon the intervals at which inspection occurs. The intervals are dependent upon the nature of the critical components of the crane and the degree of their exposure to wear, deterioration, or malfunction. The two general classifications we’ll be focusing on are the criteria for frequent and periodic inspections.

Frequent inspection items – Per CMAA Specification #78, when performing a frequent inspection, a qualified person shall include, but not limit themselves to, inspection of the following items:

  • Check that the crane or hoist is not tagged with an out-of-service sign.
  • Check that all motions agree with control device markings.
  • Check that all braking motions do not have excessive drift and that stopping distance is normal.
  • *Check hook for damage, cracks, nicks, gouges, deformation of the throat opening, wear on saddle or load bearing point, and twist.
  • Check that the hook latch, if provided, is not missing and operates properly.
  • *Check wire rope for broken wires, broken strands, kinks, any deformation or damage to the rope structure, or loss of lubricant.
  • *Check load chain, including end connections for excessive wear, twist, distorted links or stretch, beyond the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Check that the wire rope or load chain is properly reeved and that rope or load chain parts are not twisted. Make sure wire rope is properly seated in drum grooves.
  • Check that the hoist upper/lower limit devices stop lifting or lowering motion of the hoist load block before striking any part of the hoist, crane, or floor.
  • Check bridge and trolley travel limits for proper function.
  • Check for any sign of oil leakage on the crane and on the floor beneath the crane.
  • Check for any unusual sounds from the crane or hoist mechanism while operating crane and hoist.
  • Check that warning and other safety labels are present and legible. Check that audible and visual warning devices are operational.

Items marked with (*) shall be documented with a certification record which includes the date of inspection, signature of the person who performed the inspection, and the serial number or identifier of the hook, chain, or wire rope that was inspected.

Periodic inspection items – Per CMAA Specification #78, if any of the following deficiencies are observed, they shall be carefully examined and determined whether they constitute a safety hazard:

  • Check that structural members are not deformed, cracked, or corroded. Foot walks are free from debris, grease, etc.
  • Check that the operating cab has the proper fire extinguisher in place.
  • Check for proper capacity labels, and that they are legible from the floor. Are warning signs in place and legible?
  • Check connection points for loose/broken bolts or rivets.
  • Check sheaves and drums for worn, cracked, bent, or broken parts. Check for loose or missing hardware.
  • Check brake system parts, linings, pawls, and ratchets for excessive wear and proper adjustment. Check to make sure electric control brake functions properly.
  • Check indicators, gauges, or other devices for calibration and load, wind, and other indicators over their range.
  • Check self-contained electric, hydraulic, or gasoline powered generating units for improper performance or noncompliance with applicable safety requirements.
  • Check transmission for excess wear of chain drive sprockets and excessive chain stretch. Check gearbox for gear teeth wear and proper lubrication.
  • Check all electrical apparatus for signs of pitting or any deterioration of controller contactors, limit switches, push button stations, motor slip rings, brushes and resistors. Check for loose or damaged wiring, or evidence of overheating.
  • Check all bumpers and end stops for damage. Check for proper restraints and obvious under sizing or improper energy absorption capabilities.
  • Check trolley and runway rails and fastening devices for looseness, gaps, misalignment, and wear.
  • Check runway structure for proper anchors, loose bolted connections, corrosion, and cracked or deformed members.
  • Check the conductor system alignment, fastening, splices, power feeds, and conductor shoes for wear.
  • Check below-the-hook devices for cracks or structural damage. Check mechanical components for wear, alignment, and missing or loose hardware. Check all motors, pendant or remote radio controls, and wiring. Check that all guards are in place and secure.

NOTE: A qualified person shall determine whether conditions found during the inspection constitute a hazard and whether a more detailed inspection is required. Any unsafe conditions uncovered during inspection shall be corrected before operation of the crane is resumed. Adjustments and repairs shall be done only by designated personnel.

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