RumahBerita → Working characteristics of single girder cranes and dangerous factors

Working characteristics of single girder cranes and dangerous factors

1. Single-girder cranes usually have huge structures and relatively complex mechanisms. During the operation, several movements in different directions are often operated at the same time, which is technically difficult.

2. There are many kinds of heavy objects that can be lifted, and the load varies. Some heavy objects weigh hundreds of tons, are large and irregular, as well as loose particles, hot melt, flammable and explosive dangerous goods, etc., which make the lifting process complicated and dangerous.

3. It needs to operate in a larger area, and the activity space is larger. Once an accident is caused, the affected area is also larger.

4. Some hoisting machinery (only construction hoist, etc.) need to directly carry personnel for lifting movement, and its reliability directly affects personal safety.

5. There are many parts of exposed activities, and they often come into direct contact with operators, potentially many occasional risk factors.

6. The operating environment is complex, such as involving enterprises, ports, construction sites and other places, involving high temperature, high pressure, flammable and explosive and other environmental hazards, posing a threat to equipment and operators

7. Many people are often required to cooperate in operation, and the requirements for commanders, operators and crane workers are relatively high.

According to relevant statistics, the number of fatalities caused by heavy-injury accidents in my country each year accounts for about 15% of the total number of fatalities caused by all industrial enterprises.

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