RumahBerita → OSHA proofed below-the-hook lifting device

OSHA proofed below-the-hook lifting device

It is critical that your below-the-hook lifting gears to be OSHA compliant. Many companies take their time to prove all their devices but ignore the compliance of below-the-hook lifting equipment. Below are the OSHA compliance standards for below-the-hook lifting devices.

ASME B30.20

Deals with vacuum lifting gear operated with close proximity lifting magnets; magnetic devices operated remotely, grapples, structural and mechanical lifting equipment, and scrap and material handling. It offers a well laid out solution relating to maintenance, operation of hardware used to hoist loads, installation, inspection, marking construction, and inspection.


ASME BTH-1 gives the least structural and mechanical design and electrical component selection criteria for ASME B30.20.

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