20t hook sets and steel wire ropes sold to Indonesia in 2022

RumahGaleri Kasus → 20t hook sets and steel wire ropes sold to Indonesia in 2022

20t hook sets and steel wire ropes sold to Indonesia in 2022

20t hook set procurement parameters

  • Order time: 2022.5.17
  • Order content: 20t hook set*2+wire rope28mm
  • Negara pengekspor: Indonesia

Ini adalah perintah untuk aksesori derek sold to Indonesia in 2022. The customer purchased 2 sets of 20 ton hook sets and 28 mm steel wire ropes from our crane factory. The order was placed at the factory on May 18th and sent to Shandong Special Line on June 1st. On June 17th, we shipped the product to Indonesia via Qingdao Port. The atlas shows some details of the hook assembly in the factory and the packaging process. If you want to purchase a hook assembly or other crane accessories, please hubungi kami.

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