RumahBerita → CMAA changes specifications for overhead crane services

CMAA changes specifications for overhead crane services

CMAA is the Crane Manufacturers Association of America, Inc., an independent trade association affiliated with the Material Handling Industry. Over the past year, the CMAA has revised Specification No. 78 titled, Standards and Guidelines for Professional Services Performed on Overhead and Traveling Cranes and Associated Hoisting Equipment.

The newly revised specification has six sections including: general information, technical qualifications, jobsite safety guidelines, crane inspection and maintenance, genuine OEM (factory) parts, and crane service classifications.

CMAA representative Dan Beilfuss had this to say:

Spec 78 was written with a primary purpose to recognize overhead traveling crane service and the service for associated hoisting equipment, as an industry worthy of having guidelines and standards for providing high quality, professional services performed by safety-minded, manufacturer-trained and certified technicians.

Most of the revisions are to a document published in 2002, where the CMAA added a minimum number of hours of relevant work experience required for crane service technicians. The CMMA also concluded that crane inspectors must work a certain amount of hours as crane technicians before they begin inspecting overhead cranes.

Now, both of these roles have a concrete number of related work experience hours that candidates must complete. In other words, a crane technician and crane inspector should complete a minimum of 2,000 hours of relevant work experience and training for maintaining, inspecting, servicing, repairing and modifying overhead cranes.

In these changes, the CMAA has also included a table that outlines a list of pre-shift inspection items. Additionally, they have added a root cause analysis chart in section five to help guide readers through their own analysis and take corrective action to reduce equipment failures.

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