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How to do electric overhead crane maintenance checklist

About 72 fatal crane accidents happen each year.

It’s no secret that working with big machinery can be dangerous. That’s why safety is always a priority.

Preventive methods should be taken to ensure safety while using an overhead. Here’s an overhead crane maintenance checklist to follow.

What The Checklist Includes

An overhead crane maintenance checklist includes three different checkouts:

1. Area Check

This check is to ensure the area around the crane is clear. Some of these activities include:

  • Know the location of the crane disconnect switch.
  • Make sure there are no warning signs present
  • Check to make sure workers are not working near the area
  • Look ahead to verify there is nothing around the area where the load will be moved.
  • Check to make sure the below-the-hook devices are designed for the crane in use and will safely be able to lift the load.
  • Make sure that the load capacity is equal to or less than the capacity of the crane.

2. Preliminary Check

Once the area check has been performed, the operator can begin the preliminary check of the equipment. This should be done before he or she touches any controls.

  • Check the electric systems, bridge, runway, trolley, and hoist to make sure there are no loose, broken, or damaged parts.
  • Make sure the wire rope is seated in the drums grooves properly.
  • Ensure that the open power source is secure and there is nothing close.
  • Check the strain reliefs or brushings to make sure that no wires are pulled.
  • Make sure there is no damage to the pushbutton pendant.

3. Equipment Safety Check

After the preliminary check is complete, the crane operator must perform a safety check of the crane itself to make sure it is in working order. This is to ensure there is no potential for malfunction.

Several different categories need to be signed off when checking the equipment.

  • Check all powered systems. Including, making sure the power button is not sticky, the hoist hook rises, and the upper limit switch is functioning properly.
  • Make sure all hooks are in working condition. There should be no more than 10% wear on any part of the hook.
  • Ensure there is no damage or cracks on the bottom block assembly. The sheaves should be able to rotate freely and smoothly.
  • Make sure there are no broken wires on the wire rope and load chain. There should be no kinks, cuts, or thermal damage to any ropes or chains.

Overhead Crane And Hoist Safety And Maintenance Checklist


Overhead crane and hoists inspections are mandated by both OSHA and ANSI with the various requirements outlined in Federal OSHA 1910.179 regulations as well as various ANSI B30 standards. The types of inspections required in OSHA and ANSI are fairly consistent within the regulation and standards books and include: initial inspection, periodic inspection, frequent inspection, and daily/shift.

  • “Initial” Inspections: includes a load test of up to 125% of rated capacity and thorough hands-on inspection and operational check of the crane or hoist equipment. The Initial Inspection must be performed when the equipment is installed and whenever repairs are made to critical load-bearing components. The Initial documentation must be maintained for the life of the equipment along with the repair history.
  • “Periodic” Inspections: include an operational check and thorough hands-on inspection of the crane or hoist equipment. The Periodic Inspection must be performed as frequent as monthly on equipment that has usage that would create the potential for frequent repair and safety issues to as little as annually on seldom-used equipment that has little to no potential for repair and safety issues. The majority of equipment will require quarterly to monthly periodic inspections due to manufacturer requirements and frequency of found defects. Periodic documentation must be also be maintained for the life of the equipment.
  • “Frequent” Inspections: Include an operation check as well as a visual inspection of critical items listed in the codes and standards such as limit switches, wire rope, chain, hooks, etc. Frequent inspections are required at least monthly and generally done in months when the periodic inspections will not be performed.

Typical Inspection Program for Normal Operation 1 Shift Per Day

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Periodic & Frequent Inspection





Frequent Inspection









Typical Inspection Program for Heavy Operation 1 Shift Per Day

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Periodic & Frequent Inspection







Frequent Inspection







Typical Inspection Program for Heavy Operation Multiple Shift Per Day

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Periodic & Frequent Inspection













Frequent Inspection

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