RumahBerita → Crane hook inspection technical regulations and scrap standards

Crane hook inspection technical regulations and scrap standards

The crane hook is the most widely used spreader and needs to bear all the weight of the object being lifted, so the safety requirements for the hook are relatively high. In order to ensure the safe operation of the crane, the following inspections should be done on the hooks regularly, and those that meet the scrapping standards should be scrapped in time:

  1.  The crane shall not use cast hooks.
  2.  Repair welding of hooks is strictly prohibited.
  3.  The surface of the hook should be smooth and clean, and there should be no peeling, sharp corners, burrs, or cracks.
  4.  The hook should be equipped with an anti-drop device. The anti-dropping pawl shall not be opened when the hook is loaded, and the size reduction of the hook mouth after the pawl is installed shall not exceed 10% of the hook mouth size. The shape of the anti-dropping pawl should be consistent with the end of the hook mouth.
  5.  The hook should be scrapped when one of the following situations occurs:
    1.  There are cracks or breaks on the surface.
    2.  Hazardous sections such as hook tails and threaded parts and hook bars are permanently deformed.
    3.  The wear of the cross-section at the lanyard exceeds 10% of the original height.
    4.  The opening degree is increased by 15% compared to the original size. The twisting deformation of the opening exceeds 10°.
    5.  When the plate hook bushing wears up to 50% of the original size, the bushing should be scrapped.
    6.  When the plate hook mandrel wears up to 5% of the original size, the mandrel should be scrapped.

Jenis kait derek

Safety depends on everyone. When companies use cranes, they must abide by relevant management regulations to reduce hidden dangers.

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