RumahBerita → How to lubricate the large and heavy overhead crane?

How to lubricate the large and heavy overhead crane?

Lubrication is necessary for large overhead crane. Reasons to lubricate your overhead crane It can control friction, reduce weariness, down overhead crane temperature, avoid rust and form seal. These functions rely on each other and influence each other. If the friction can’t be controlled, the weariness can/t be reduced, this will lead much friction heat and items high temperature, thus to damage the friction surface lubrication and lubricating material. How to lubricate your overhead crane?
 ome parts should be lubricated regularly, such as shafts, holes and friction surface with relative move. Due to different working condition, the lubricating points are different. For various kinds of overhead cranes and different lubricating parts, every lubrication should meet the standards and requirement of instructions. It is good for overhead crane to make regular lubrication and check. Lubricating with qualified oil can ensure the overhead crane work normally and avoid early weariness. Bad oil can lead mechanical accident, even damages equipment, influences safe producing. Lubrication plays an important role in overhead crane’s maintenance. The lubricating oil can influence the effect directly.

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