RumahJib crane → BB Wall travelling Jib Crane

Derek Jib Dinding BB

Jib crane

What is BB Wall travelling Jib Crane

The wall travelling jib crane can increase your plant productivity by quickly moving small loads in long lateral movement without taking up floor space.

  • Type:BB
  • Lifting Capacity:0.5~16 ton
  • Lifting Height:3m~10m
  • Rentang:
  • Tugas Kerja: A3
  • Suhu Sekitar: -20~40℃

Derek Jib Dinding BB

Wall-travelling Jib Crane introduction

Wall travelling jib crane is a cost effective crane which travels along the rail mounted on the wall or other supported structure on elevated orbit of a multilayer assembly shop, making the full advantages of the working space. Wall travelling jib crane can provide long lateral movement of materials and at the same time can lift the objects in the vertical direction by the lifting equipment. The lifting capacity of wall travelling jib crane is 0.5 to 10 tons and working class is A3, and the main parameters are presented in the following tables:

Jenis Produk BB
Kapasitas Angkat 0.5~16 ton
Mengangkat Tinggi 3m~10m
Kelompok klasifikasi A3
Suhu Sekitar -25~40℃

Application of Wall-travelling Jib Crane

Wall travelling jib crane adalah solusi optimal untuk penanganan material, digunakan di bengkel pembuatan dan perakitan mesin, dll. Ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai pelengkap sistem overhead crane untuk melakukan penanganan material yang bekerja secara efisien. Jib crane yang bepergian di dinding menawarkan solusi yang baik untuk menangani material di tempat kerja.

Advantages of Wall-travelling Jib Crane

  • Light structure, few demand to architecture, confirming to state standards
  • Compact structure with novel, reasonable and simple design
  • Light weight, moving flexible
  • Convenient in operation, and turn to flexible.
  • Cost-effective price and low maintenance.

Features of Wall-travelling Jib Crane

  1. Wall travelling jib crane offers long lateral transporting of materials without taking up floor space or interfering performance of large overhead cranes.
  2. Wall travelling jib cranes can be lined up to handle materials in work stations and the length of crane runways is without limitation.
  3. The most-effective material handling equipment for handling smaller lifts.
  4. Handle or remote control operation on ground is provided which is easy, accurate, quick and efficient.
  5. Customized material handling solution is available which can fully meet your requirements and application conditions.
  6. Double block button is installed and the protection class is up to IP5.
  7. The services life of wall travelling jib crane can high up to 500 thousand times.

Cara membeli jib crane dari China

Kami adalah produsen derek yang berlokasi di Cina, menyediakan layanan penyesuaian derek kepada pelanggan derek global. Jika Anda ingin menyesuaikan jib crane, Anda dapat meninggalkan pesan di situs web atau Email:, beri tahu kami informasi berikut, dan manajer penjualan kami akan menghubungi Anda:

  •  Jenis jib crane: tipe pilar (dengan pilar itu sendiri, dipasang di tanah) atau tipe yang dipasang di dinding (dipasang di dinding atau kolom)?
  •  Kapasitas angkat:____?
  •  Tinggi angkat:____?
  •  Jari-jari yang Valid (panjang jib):____?
  •  Sudut putar: 180, 270, 360 atau derajat lainnya?
  •  Tegangan daya: _ _ _ _ ( 240V 50Hz 3phase)

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