RumahBerita → Can crane hook or hoist hook be repaired?

Can crane hook or hoist hook be repaired?

If the hook of your overhead crane or electric hoist becomes damaged, you may ask if there is a way to fix the lifting hook. .It depends. . Both OSHA and ASME have specific regulations regarding crane hooks, hoist hooks and repairs.

OSHA does not recommend fixing a broken lifting hook by welding or reshaping the part. According to OSHA, lifting hook repairs are only allowed under certain circumstances. If your lifting hook does break, you should call the profession lifting hook services. OSHA suggests that calling in the crane and hoist hook manufacturer is the only way to ensure the lifting hook is repaired safely and efficiently.
ASME states that you should never weld lifting hooks and other attachments to an overhead crane. If lifting hook welding is necessary, then it should only ever be done by a professional. ASME states that it should be done in manufacturing or fabrication before any required final heat treatment.

The guidelines set by OSHA and ASME do not answer the question, can I repair a crane or hoist hook? In most cases, the answer to this issue will depend on how damaged the lifting hook is. Crane hooks are processed from hot-rolled alloy steel blanks of medium carbon content. In many cases, a lifting hook can still operate in its “as forged” condition. Additionally, the lifting hook can be further enhanced by thermal processing, which is a heat treatment. Keep in mind that the heat treatment can result in loss of ductility and elongation.

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