Rumah → Kasus

Overhead crane, juga dikenal sebagai bridge crane, adalah salah satu jenis peralatan penanganan material untuk memenuhi persyaratan pengangkatan industri menengah dan berat. Umumnya, derek di atas kepala adalah derek dengan kerekan pengangkat yang berjalan di sepanjang jembatan tebu di antara landasan pacu paralel.

Sebagai pemasok derek Cina yang menyediakan layanan derek kepada dunia, Dongqi dapat menyediakan desain, pembuatan, pemasangan, dan purna jual yang disesuaikan untuk berbagai jenis derek di atas kepala. Menurut strukturnya, dapat dibagi menjadi derek overhead gelagar tunggal dan derek overhead gelagar ganda, dan dapat dibagi menjadi derek overhead biasa, derek overhead tahan ledakan, derek overhead metalurgi, derek overhead ambil, dan derek overhead elektromagnetik menurut kegunaannya.

derek overhead 5 ton dijual ke Kawasan Industri Sohar di Oman

Oman’s GDP is expected to grow by 13.8% in 2021. Thanks to the beneficial measures implemented by the government, Oman’s industrial industry has developed by leaps and bounds, and its fore[…]

5 tons of electric hoist exported to Ethiopia for meat processing plant

Recently, the construction progress of 8 new export-oriented slaughterhouses in Ethiopia has reached 50%, and the investment cost of each has exceeded 200 million birr. In the past six months, Ethiopi[…]

Application of 10 ton electric winch in Malaysia Hydropower Station

Electric winches have a wide range of applications in many special environments due to their small size and ease of use. For example, during the construction of a hydropower station, a winch hoisting […]

Philippine shipyard custom 30 tons electric winch case

The Philippines is one of the most dynamic shipbuilding economies with around 118 shipyards. The electric winch is an indispensable lifting equipment in the shipyard. We share today a case of a 30 ton[…]

20 ton electric winch for blast furnace cleaning in Pakistan

20 ton electric winch is widely used. As a crane supplier providing crane services worldwide, Dongqi can provide customers with various types and sizes of electric winches. Through the evaluation of t[…]

5 ton electric winch applied to scrap steel recycling workshop in Malaysia

The 5 ton electric winch has a wide range of applications in Malaysia. Due to its high versatility, compact structure, small size, light weight, heavy lifting, and convenient use and transfer, electri[…]

kerekan listrik 5 ton diterapkan pada pembangkit listrik tenaga panas Pakistan

A thermal power plant refers to a thermal power plant that uses the extraction or exhaust steam of a steam turbine to provide heat for users while generating electricity. The main working principle is[…]

Pabrik kokas Pakistan menyesuaikan winch listrik 5 ton untuk inspeksi peralatan

Coking plant is a professional factory specializing in metallurgical coke production, smelting coking products, processing and recycling. The metallurgical coke produced by coking plant is the fuel fo[…]

kerekan listrik 5 ton digunakan untuk mengangkat kalsium oksida di lokasi konstruksi di Filipina

Quicklime has a wide range of applications on construction sites. It can be used to configure cement-lime mixed mortar, lime mortar, or it can be diluted with lime paste to form lime milk, which is us[…]

10 ton single girder eot crane sold from China to Philippines

The 10-ton single-beam EOT crane is used in conjunction with an electric hoist or a chain hoist, and is suspended on an I-beam. It is a light and small crane running on rails. A cement factory in the […]

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