Rumah → Kasus

Overhead crane, juga dikenal sebagai bridge crane, adalah salah satu jenis peralatan penanganan material untuk memenuhi persyaratan pengangkatan industri menengah dan berat. Umumnya, derek di atas kepala adalah derek dengan kerekan pengangkat yang berjalan di sepanjang jembatan tebu di antara landasan pacu paralel.

Sebagai pemasok derek Cina yang menyediakan layanan derek kepada dunia, Dongqi dapat menyediakan desain, pembuatan, pemasangan, dan purna jual yang disesuaikan untuk berbagai jenis derek di atas kepala. Menurut strukturnya, dapat dibagi menjadi derek overhead gelagar tunggal dan derek overhead gelagar ganda, dan dapat dibagi menjadi derek overhead biasa, derek overhead tahan ledakan, derek overhead metalurgi, derek overhead ambil, dan derek overhead elektromagnetik menurut kegunaannya.

Philippine customer customized 5 tons NRL low headroom electric hoist

All NR types electric hoist are equipped with large diameter drum, which can effectively increase the lifting height and reduce the left and right limits. Crane’s dead zone when working becomes […]

Installation of 10 ton overhead crane in the Philippines

Because of COVID-19, our engineers are unable to help overseas customers to install overhead cranes. In this case, we will provide customers with the most detailed installation instructions and provid[…]

Pakistan auto factory custom jib crane from China

Jib cranes are widely used in many factory workshops. As a crane supplier that has been operating in Pakistan for more than ten years, we have also received some crane orders from the automotive indus[…]

2 ton jib crane for clean room in Pakistan

Supplying weight equipment for cleanrooms is a challenging task, and crane suppliers need to balance suitability and cost in their designs. As a crane supplier that provides crane equipment services a[…]

Saudi Arabia customized 8 ton electric winch from China

As a country rich in oil resources, Saudi Arabia has a high demand for lifting equipment. As a global crane service provider, we have more than ten years of crane service in Saudi Arabia. Today we wil[…]

40 ton gantry crane sold from China to UAE

Gantry cranes have a wide range of applications in the UAE. As a crane supplier that provides crane services to the world, we have provided crane customization services to customers in the UAE for mor[…]

jib crane 2 ton dikirim dari China ke Indonesia

We provide various types of crane customization services to our clients in Indonesia. In the past ten years, we have cooperated with many crane projects in Indonesia. If you need a custom crane, pleas[…]

Penerapan derek toko 2 ton di Filipina

Shop Crane can lift and transport materials in semi circles or full circles around their support structures to provide localized material handling in work cells, to supplement a large overhead crane s[…]

Application of 5 Ton Metallurgic Single girder Overhead Crane in Pakistan

Metallurgical crane is a special kind of crane, which is mostly used in metal smelting workshops. As a crane supplier that provides crane services to the world, we have been supplying metallurgical cr[…]

Application of 5 ton top running single girder overhead crane in Pakistan

Top running single girder overhead crane is a type of overhead crane, or bridge crane, which consists of a single girder runway equipped with a traveling bridge between supported points within a stru[…]

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