Rumah → Kasus

Overhead crane, juga dikenal sebagai bridge crane, adalah salah satu jenis peralatan penanganan material untuk memenuhi persyaratan pengangkatan industri menengah dan berat. Umumnya, derek di atas kepala adalah derek dengan kerekan pengangkat yang berjalan di sepanjang jembatan tebu di antara landasan pacu paralel.

Sebagai pemasok derek Cina yang menyediakan layanan derek kepada dunia, Dongqi dapat menyediakan desain, pembuatan, pemasangan, dan purna jual yang disesuaikan untuk berbagai jenis derek di atas kepala. Menurut strukturnya, dapat dibagi menjadi derek overhead gelagar tunggal dan derek overhead gelagar ganda, dan dapat dibagi menjadi derek overhead biasa, derek overhead tahan ledakan, derek overhead metalurgi, derek overhead ambil, dan derek overhead elektromagnetik menurut kegunaannya.

derek overhead girder tunggal 10 ton dipasang di Dhaka, Bangladesh

We have many partners in Bangladesh, and we have sold various cranes to Bangladesh so far. Recently we have just completed a crane installation project near Dhaka, Bangladesh. The customer is very sat[…]

5 ton mobile gantry crane sold to Philippine glass factory

Recently completed an order for a gantry crane in the Philippines. The customer is a glass processing factory located in the Philippines. After understanding the customer’s needs, we provided th[…]

9 sets heavy duty steel mill overhead cranes sold from China to India

India is rich in mineral resources, with bauxite reserves and coal production both ranking fifth in the world, and mica exports account for 60% of world exports. India’s steel mills are mainly locat[…]

Saudi Arabia customized 5+5 ton double hoist crane from China

Saudi Arabia is a very important crane market. We value every order and trust with Saudi Arabian customers. Recently, we completed a special order from Saudi Arabia, which will be a very cost-effectiv[…]

3 ton single beam overhead crane is sold from China to Nigeria

Nigeria is our important crane market. We have some local cooperation projects. Nigeria has more and more demand for cranes. We have won the trust and orders of Nigerian customers with excellent servi[…]

China provides overhead cranes for Excavator Companies in the United Arab Emirates

Recently, we received an order from the UAE. The customer is an excavator company and needs to customize a complete set of solutions. Therefore, the types of cranes that the customer needs have becom[…]

Derek overhead gudang 5 ton dijual dari China ke Bangladesh

We have some overhead crane projects in Bangladesh. Recently, the project we are dealing with is from a warehouse in the suburb of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The customer said that they are building a new pla[…]

Derek overhead balok tunggal 3T dijual dari China ke Bangladesh

We have done some crane projects in Bangladesh, which is helpful for the development of Bangladesh. There is an essential demand for cranes in both machinery manufacturing and infrastructure construct[…]

15 ton overhead crane sold to Manila, Philippines

The Philippines has a high demand for cranes. As a world factory, if Philippine companies can directly purchase cranes from China, it will bring a very high cost performance. In fact, Dongqi Crane has[…]

2 ton jib crane is sold from China to Kenya

What should I pay attention to when buying a jib crane from China in Kenya? Is it more cost-effective to buy a jib crane directly from China? If you are in Kenya and need to buy a jib crane, I would s[…]

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